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Your search yielded 18 result(s).

Types of Boogers Illustrated Cartoon Guide

Types of Boogers (A Cartoonized Guide)


When we’re younger, we’re nearly always poorly educated about boogers. It’s obvious kids are fascinated by them, but parents and adults don’t tend to go much beyond “stop that” and “oh god gross” and “get that out of your mouth!” when it comes to the subject. Kids are typically left to explore the two tunnels […]

Booger Nutrition Facts

Booger Nutrition Facts


We wrote about the controversial topic of booger eating before, but because of wild public demand we decided to showcase the dietary considerations of boogers as an Instructional Diagram. What are boogers made of? Is it okay if you or your kid eats them? Will they cause sickness? Or blindness like some old people say? […]

Boogers That's Right Boogers

Boogers. That’s right. Boogers.

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Sugar free? Fat free? Packed with protein? Move over, bananas. Nature’s got a new perfect food! It seems like every kid is just wired from birth to pick their boogers and eat them. C’mon. At least once! But probably about a hundred times more than once. The fact that we adults have “all done it,” […]

A Store Is Born!

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Like most everything in parenting, this store’s delivery, I mean launch is very late to the holiday party! Now you can shop a few items just in time for last-minute, probably-too-late panic shopping! [ VISIT THE STORE ]     Cast Your Vote for the Future! Also like a baby, this store is starting out […]

Kids Failing Majestically (13 GIFs)


(Don’t worry, none of these are those awful fails that are followed by a trip to urgent care or the ER.) Everyone has to go through a lot of awful before they get to awesome, and since kids are pretty much new at everything, there is a wealth of awful that can be pretty entertaining. […]

The Revenge of Spaghetti Toes (15 Amazing Pictures)

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Kids can have some gloriously oddball thoughts. And even when they’re the completely normal variety, the way they put those thoughts into words can be pretty flippin’ amusing. Art director and father, Martin Bruckner (Spaghetti Toes) designs pop art out of the sweet or quirky quotes from his cutie pie, Harper, and other little kids. […]

The Heights of Growing Up

Posted under NOTEBOOK

We teamed up with Clorox to tell you some stories of the trials and treats of parenthood.   We want them to grow up, it’s our job as parents, but at the same time we soon learn how bitter-sweet it can be. When their tiny little fists let go of our thumbs. When we can’t […]

My Wife Just Texted… #241

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

  A lot of time we can’t see our own faces and just can’t feel a booger. Unfortunately, most bystanders don’t have the social bravery to walk up and let you know there’s a green troll hanging out at the entrance to one of your nose caves. Awkwaaaaaaard. Boogers are the “open pants zipper” of […]

20 Brutal Things Kid Say About Our Appearance (Gee Thanks, Kid!)

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Our readers are awesome. These are THEIR stories. Who needs Photoshopped magazine covers or Hollywood’s gratuitous scenes of hard-bodied celebrities who inexplicably need to shed clothing to give you crippling insecurity about your body and physical appearance when you’re a parent. You have a live-in demotivational speaker with absolutely zero percent filter and 100% oversharativeness: […]