Search Results:
don't yell

Your search yielded 27 result(s).

Old Yeller Parenting

Posted under NOTEBOOK

With the wild success of The Daddy Complex’s “CTFD Parenting” and a multitude of other parenting philosophies variously titled with animals names, military equipment and dance moves, we think it’s time we got in on this lucrative moneymaking scheme. Today, we submit to you: “Old Yeller Parenting.” No, we don’t shoot our kids, you lunatic. […]

Halloween Dos and Don'ts for 2020

DO’s and DO-NOT’s for Halloween 2020

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Let’s not put a mask on it. Halloween is going to be fairly sucky this year. Pandemic bummers aside, it was supposed to be exceptionally AMAZING. October 31st falls on both a full Blue Moon AND a Saturday! AND the clocks roll back an hour!!! Such a shame. In the days of Halloweens past, all […]

The Ripeness of Kids Clothes Described Like Wines

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Kids live life at Volume 11 but often have their hygiene on mute, so the stink they can whip up is truly breathtaking. As in, plug your nose and hold your breath kind of breathtaking. Like wines, kids seem to ferment with age. Except there’s nothing “fine” about their Cabernet Soverygross or Pee-yoo Noir. Their […]

Are You a Better Parent?

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Fellow joke teller and new friend of mine, Karen Johnson (The 21st Century SAHM) recently posted this and, though it’s written from the perspective of a mom, it spoke to me as a father. Yelled at me, really. Her words are truly universal to parenting, and they’ve since gone completely bat-shit viral. I’m not at […]

Surviving Being a Passenger When Your Spouse Is Driving


“‹ Okay. Maybe they’re not terrible, crazy drivers (unlikely). Maybe it’s because we’re used to driving ourselves (probably not). Maybe your faith in their skill is shaky because they just hit their head on the fridge door or asked you where something was while they were holding it in their hand (now we’re talkin’). Whatever […]

If You Hate Cats, This May Change Your Mind

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

Listen, I’m not a cat fan. I’ve never really liked them. Maybe it’s because I’m allergic to them or maybe I just don’t like creatures that poop in sandboxes but they’ve always seemed unimpressed with me. But this video makes me think cat+human relations could be salvaged. The way this cat shows this baby affection […]

Kids Write Some Sorry Excuses for Apologies (12 Pics)

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

It’s very amusing how kids can be wonderful at being awful about certain things. When I was a kid, there were times my parents made me apologize to my siblings or friends, and I can remember how lifeless and boobytrapped some of my sorries were. Kids quickly get pretty good at whipping up some completely […]

Diaper Changes

19 Times You Realized You Were A Parent

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Talking to a parents before you have kids is a surreal experience. Some of them hold back and don’t want to scare you from the weight of responsibility they face, while others use scare tactics to shock you into wondering whether you’ll be up to the task. No matter how you felt before kids, you […]

28 Baby Photoshoots Gone Horriblariously Wrong (GROSS WARNING)

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Professional photoshoots of newborns or babies can give parents some stellar shots, but predicting the weather is more accurate than predicting the “call of Nature” for babies, even if they just went. So, occasionally, these photo sessions result in some of the highest quality pics of little munchkins spraying their parents like a broken, high-pressure […]