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Your search yielded 15 result(s).

Hyper-dad-dria (the flip-side to Hypo-mom-dria)


  [ click the image to enlarge ] Back in the day (about two months ago), we created a diagram called “Hypo-mom-dria” as a play on the hypochondria some mother’s get into with regard to their little ones. It illustrated the alterations that can occur between what is really seen and what is mentally perceived. […]

Hypo-mom-dria (The Hypochondria of Mothers)


[ click the image to enlarge ] A study on a mother’s (especially a first-timer’s) reality versus perception. A mother’s hypochondria: hypo-mom-dria. Let’s take a look inside the heads of some moms (and sometimes dads) when confronted with childhood illnesses and injuries. Don’t misunderstand, mothers are rad and this is not a slight on them. […]

Then and Now for Parenthood (6 Fowl Comics)

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Like holding a tiny, saved onsie up to your lanky growth-spurting kid, it’s fascinating to compare the way parenthood and family was to how they are now. We can take a more focused view of our family, when we ourselves first had a babies vs when they became kids, and we can widen the perspective […]

If Kids Made Motivational Posters

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

We could all probably benefit from some uplifting or wise inspiration, some bite-sized motivation to help us be a bit better than our regular ol’ tired, cranky selves. Even kids! What would a kid say if they wanted to inspire and motivate others, though? To really fire them up about leading the fullest childhood and […]

Things I Wanna Do, But Don’t Want My Sons To Do… #1

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

Parenting can feel a little duplicitous sometimes. You tell your kids to get sleep, and then you don’t. You tell them to eat certain vegetables when you can’t stand them. You tell them there are no more cookies, but secretly you’ve hidden a stockpile for yourself so huge, the IRS is going to come knocking. […]

“Bed Time” part 1 : Convos With My 4-Year-Old


Ahhhhhhhh bedtime. Most new parents are surprised to discover that bedtime isn’t a specific point in time, but a theory, really. It’s more of a hypothetical range, starting with PJs and a bedtime story, and dragging a good distance across the face of a clock to conclude much later at deep, ragged sigh of relief […]

This Is What’s Wrong With You, Parents

Posted under NOTEBOOK

We’re working on figuring out next year’s prospective kindergarten matriculation for Finnegan right now. It’s a little insane. Between the level of competition and the hum of feverish parents meeting on tours, I feel like we’re in some wavelength of college applications already. He’s such a fantastic boy and has so many wonderful qualities that […]

Things You Can’t Do When You’re Not A Toddler


Having kids and taking them out in public is basically a clown parade. For some kids, growing up is the process of being told what to do and knowing how to act in public. We strip them down to the behavior only we prescribe. But we reserve the right to act equally childish. Grownups can […]

My Wife Just Said...

My Wife just Said… #109

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

“…Maybe I need stitches, the cut is really deep! Can you just sew me up?” [Level stare] “I’m a mom with four tattoos. I can deal with the pain.” -Elizabeth   For being such a hypochondriac every so often, my wife can sometimes be a real Mombro. Except without the Stallone slur. Thank goodness. P.S. […]