Who Is Richard Bushman REALLY? (Dramatic Reveal Part 1-4)

It’s all been a lie. Not a white lie, though, this sucker is a brightly-colored lie with stain-guard and fade-resistance. Or is it not a lie? And this is a lie about lying? Whoa…
Richard Bushman is the first guest-poster we’ve had on our website. Many of you enjoyed his amazing tale, Getting an Evite for Sex, and the follow-up, Bring on the Pie (even if you didn’t enjoy the header graphic so much), but some of you were left wondering: just who the heck IS this guy? And, knowing we’re pranksters, people asked if he was actually Charlie or Andy pulling everyone’s digital legs.
Well, we “honestly promise” he is not one of us. But…
::dramatic drum roll::
He is not even himself. Richard Bushman is not Richard Bushman. Tomorrow we will begin revealing who he is, what he does and what he looks like, finishing our reveal on April 1st, our website’s 2nd Anniversary.
In the meantime, see if you can guess who it is, what his hair color is, if he’s better looking than Charlie, more bearded than Andy, if he is in fact one of us, or how many times he’s seen Shawshank Redemption… Um. We dunno. Just go with it! Even if it goes nowhere. Leave a guess in the comments below just for fun.
Our 1st AprilFoolsiversary Backfire
We had no idea how badly this would backfire on us. See the “The End” post and our follow-up apology and cake detonation.
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