Baby Sleep Positions: “Roll-On Deodorant”
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Even non-parents who hold babies like they were ticking bombs will admit that the little wiggly jigglies smell like fresh-baked rainbows. But any fragrance can be made into a funk-grance with the wrong additives. I think the poet Keats once wrote, “Even a flower’s sweetest whiff wilts in a burrito factory’s cafeteria.” Or was it Shakespeare…

Photographic evidence. I know, ewwww, right? But it’s sweet, too. Even if it’s probably also really sour.
There are people out there who had a baby and still never once missed a shower, and then there are the rest of the bazillions of us. Of course, we don’t advertise this, or even want to admit it, but there were times when laying on an extra thick coat of stink-be-gone in our pits qualified as a substitute for a shower.
And so, when our little ones are snuggling around in bed with us, sometimes they wind up in up-close and way too personal sleep positions. In the morning, that new-baby-smell can take on that not-so-new-armpit-musk.
You know what they say… Pit happens.
See All the Baby Sleep Positions So Far
You’ll probably recognize most of these sleep positions. And thank goodness for the ones you don’t.
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