“Monkey Bars” : Convos With My 4-Year-Old


Convos with my 2 year old Monkey Bars video

They cautiously study and probe some new strange thing. A ladybug marches across a branch with giant, observing eyes glued to it. They watch some unfamiliar activity from the sidelines. A mob of other kids is sized up with sideways glances as they run around randomly with a ball.

Watching your kid, as they push through their trembling hesitations, breaking through their fear of some newness could be as silly seeming to us adults as seeing someone break free of a cage made of toilet paper. But we know. We can remember escaping our timid reluctance to dive right in to some thing, or even risk a dipped toe to the mysterious unknown.

Maybe watching a kid overcome obstacles and climb to their next level of self-assuredness can even shed a little light on our own adult journeys up the mountain of accomplishment.

It’s also pretty rad to watch a full-grown man with five-day-shadow beard act it all out, set to dramatic score and Queen’s famous song of triumph.

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