Board Game Ragers

Posted under SNAPSHOTS



I used to loooooove board games as a kid. Still do. Oh the sweet, cardboardy smell of the package! The satisfaction of slowly removing the top with that corner taped-up from an invariable accidental foot stomp! The thrill of setting up the pieces, anxiously hoping they all made it back in the box! Good times.

Clue. Risk. Stratego. Battleship. Sorry. So many great games. I must admit, though, sometimes those good time DID turn into some pretty durned intense times. Like nutty intense.

It seems like kids are the biggest culprits of board game raging, but some adults also choose this forehead-vein-bulging method of game play.

What were your favorites? Did you ever play a game where someone didn’t just lose their sh*t but sent it blasting into orbit?


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