My Wife Just Texted… #241

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

My Wife Just Texted Booger

A lot of time we can’t see our own faces and just can’t feel a booger. Unfortunately, most bystanders don’t have the social bravery to walk up and let you know there’s a green troll hanging out at the entrance to one of your nose caves. Awkwaaaaaaard.

Boogers are the “open pants zipper” of biology. So, there are going to be those days when we get home or catch a glance of ourselves in a car mirror and realize we’ve been parading all over God’s green earth with something else green sticking out of our schnoz. (Sigh.)


Funny Types of Boogers Chart Types of Boogers Chart
Since boogers are an intimate part of parenting, and kinda funny, I made a cartoonized chart for reference. Don’t worry, it’s not at all helpful.


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