Kids Failing Majestically (13 GIFs)


(Don’t worry, none of these are those awful fails that are followed by a trip to urgent care or the ER.)

Everyone has to go through a lot of awful before they get to awesome, and since kids are pretty much new at everything, there is a wealth of awful that can be pretty entertaining.

Good parents encourage their kids to learn and grow and win. They also try not to crack up too much when their kid just… nails the opposite of winning. So hard.

Give it the ol’ razzle dazzle!

kid hoola hoop fail

Everyone’s a winner if no one wins!

kids finish line fail

Going out on a limb on the stupid tree.


Lessons were learned. Trust issue lessons.

kid catch fail

You’ve gotta get your feet wet somehow, right?

kid diving board fail

Even playing with toys can be a trial.

kid scared by toy

Started from the bottom now we’re here. Help?

SUV trunk kid fail

Go for the gold! Someday maybe.

kid gymnastics fail

With great Power Wheels comes great… something.

power wheels fail

Even the basics can be complicated.

baby magazine eating fail

Failure loves company.

kid tent fail

All by himself. [sigh]

kid pouring orange juice fail

Playing wrong? Or picking his boogers right?

kid toy drill fail

Bottom line, kids are amazing. It’s the best thing to watch them throw themselves at this world and come away with experience and knowledge and amazing video clips. Hahahahahahahaha! They’re so dang CUTE!