If the Harry Potter Books Were Written From Voldmort’s Perspective


SPOLER ALERT: For anyone who hasn’t read all of the books… what have you been doing with your life!?! Sorry I mean, c’mon! Anyway. If you’re not done with the books, click here.


I recently began the wondrous adventure of reading the Harry Potter books to my 7-year-old son. We raced through the first book, The Sorcerer’s Stone, and then watched the movie.

He was completely enchanted. My hardcore Star Wars fan of a son was now running around with his toy lightsaber between his legs, pretending it was a broomstick. Which made me very happy (in a cringey sort of way). Ow.

Fast forward, we just finished book two, Chamber of Secrets. I wish so badly that I had video of his face when I read the big reveal, the letters of TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE transforming into I AM LORD VOLDEMORT. (That’s Voldemort’s birth name.)


Like a cartoon, his mouth hung open and his eyes bulged. He begged me to show him a picture of Voldemort and I said no, not wanting to creep him out before bed, but he correct himself and asked to see Tom Riddle. I showed him a picture from the movie and he was surprised. He said, “But he looks normal.” I did my best to explain a very tough concept, what evil “looks like,” but it also got me thinking about something I’d once read:

Everyone is the hero of their own story, even the villains.

Then, very much like magic, I ran across this hilarity created by Dorkly. Absolutely magnificent. (Next stop, Spoiler Central)

Here’s a look at what it’d be like if the Harry Potter books were written from Volemort’s perspective.

The Sorcerer’s Stone


The Chamber of Secrets


The Prisoner of Azkaban


The Goblet of Fire


The Order of the Phoenix


The Half-Blood Prince


The Deathly Hallows


When we finished Chamber of Secrets, I asked him what he thought:

We both can not wait for the rest. We just cracked the book on The Prisoner of Azkban this very night. Squeeeeeeeeee!