Pop-Tarts, If They Made ‘Em for TODDLERS


Why not feed your young ones sweet snacks based on the freaky foods they already go nuts for?

Pop-tarts for toddlers can’t be the dumbest food product idea you’ve ever heard of. But if it is, than I’m even prouder for whipping it up in the carnival freak show of my mind.

These would also be great for Grandma and Grandpa. They’d have a whole new line of sweets they could jack up your kids on before dropping them back off to you.

So! Here are 6 Pop-tart flavors just waiting for your little ones to scream-beg for in the grocery store…

Toddler Pop-Tarts Funny flavor boogers


Toddler Pop-Tarts Funny flavor Soggy Goldfish Crackers


Toddler Pop-Tarts Funny flavor Ketchup


Toddler Pop-Tarts Funny flavor Floor Food


Toddler Pop-Tarts Funny flavor Half Eaten Grapes


Toddler Pop-Tarts Funny flavor Play-Doh play dough


Toddler Pop-Tarts Funny flavor Cookies Fallen in Milk


Toddler Pop-Tarts Funny flavor Car Seat Cereal


Toddler Pop-Tarts Funny flavor cherry Orajel

So there you have it! Whatever the heck that was. And to answer the question some of you may be asking, yes I was dropped on my head as a child.