Halloween Health-EVIL Ideas
Okay so, maybe these are all DEFINITELY terrible ideas.
Based on a recent “Candy Confessions” survey from Crest, 86% of parents eat candy that was given to their child while trick-or-treating. We are all looking to fulfill our sweet tooth! Around the Halloween season, parents also seem to up their kids’ healthy eating and tooth-care game. Seven in 10 parents enforce a stricter teeth brushing and flossing routine on Halloween, and 41% compensate for Halloween candy by serving a healthier dinner on the holiday itself or the next night. Crest knows all about the Halloween struggle for parents, and has us covered this Halloween.

Crest even sent us a cute anti-cavity care package.
Crest toothpaste is my family’s choice, for everyday clean teeth AND for clearing away all the trick-or-treating treasure. My wife and I also take the opportunity on Halloween (and all the candy left-over days after) to reinforce the importance of taking care of your teeth and brushing well.
It’s like, “we’re going to let you eat all this extra sugary goodness and deal with your sugar frenzy, but you have to rise to show you’re responsible.” It’s a neat tactic and it’s worked well. Candy provides some strong motivation for kids, especially when it’s seen as a reward and not a bribe.
Have a very happy and fun Halloween, folks!
My thanks to the Crest folks for sponsoring this post and helping to take care my family’s smiles.