35 Highly Awkward Drawings from Kids
Pareidolia is the fancy word for when you see images in things ““ like a cloud shaped like a dragon or a face in the bark of a tree or a (ehem) something in some kid art. In kids’ drawings, sometimes you see some unintended, uh… images. Sure, they’re not all phallic. Mostly, but not […]
My Wife Just Binged… #334
My wife an I have our routines, on the weekend especially. I’ll cook dinner and we’ll all watch a family movie in the living room while we eat. Then, once the bedtime marathon has been run, my wife and I will put on something less G-rated and have some wine and chocolate. I don’t have […]
Video Surprise that Will Give Your Heart an Atomic Wedgie
When I have to travel for work, I miss my family. No matter how busy I am, something just doesn’t feel right, constantly. Like your heart is wearing a pair of underwear backward. Additionally, the empty ache of separation is often made worse when I think of my little guy missing me. My wife’s a […]
Saving a Bee
Walking down my driveway the other afternoon, I noticed a honey bee struggling weakly on the pavement. This is nothing new, and my first thought was, as soon as my son comes home, he’ll figure out a way to get that bugger’s little ass dagger stuck in his bare foot. I was right about to […]
These 13 Baby & Dad Pictures Are Hilariously Awesome
Sholom Ber Solomon is a dad to his baby, Zoe, and he’s my hero for today. Maybe even this week or month. Taking cute shots of your baby is pretty simple, since babies are ridiculously cute by default. This glorious man, however, didn’t just go the extra mile, he went Forrest Gump on it and […]
My Wife Just Said… #333
Last weekend my wife and I went on a date night. I can’t remember when the last time we did one, honestly. Either because my memory is that wrecked these days, or it was so long ago that it’s hard to see past the mental cobwebs. Probably both. Make that definitely both. During the day, […]
11 Funnies That Pumpkin Spice Lovers and Haters Can Enjoy
Fall is upon us. And with it, of course, the floodgates of pumpkin spice have opened. People either love it, or love hating on it. But for all the people who aren’t doing caffeine and sugar fueled cartwheels over this seasonal flavor gimmick, there’s a vast world joy to be had making fun of it. […]
My Wife Just Said… 332
I can’t be the only parent who’s gotten caught into a rut with family movies. My son is young enough that there are a bunch of movies that come with the price of nightmares or restless sleep, so there are some extra limitations beyond what’s generally considered age appropriate or not, not to mention whether […]
The Symptoms of Bad Influence-itis
I’ve joined forces with Responsibility.org as one of their paid ambassadors for their TalkEarly campaign, which is about, well… talking early about alcohol responsibility with your kids. Cheers! Parents can make little furry loaves of fallen-out hair in the shower drain worrying about their kids getting sick. But, there’s another non-physical strain of contagion […]
My Wife Just Said… 331
Trust is an important part of marriage. When you can be counted upon to be totally and shamelessly honest about something like bodily functions, or MALfunctions as the case may be, you can present a pretty believable case in your defense of “dealt it vs. didn’t deal it”. When our son was younger and tore […]