Author: Andy

My Kid Just Said… #64

Posted under "MY KID JUST SAID..."

I like to think of words as ingredients in a sentence or statement. You’ve got your fast-food m’kay’s and Idunno’s, and you’ve got your everyday meals of chit chat, and there’s also the more elaborate culinary creations of deep philosophic discussions and funny stories. Sometimes, though, I like to whip up something a bit spicy. […]

11 Edgy Parodies of Animated Classics

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

There’s a lot of hilarity to be had when a web comic takes something intended for kids, and puts an adult-ized take on it. Sure, there have been tons of mature jokes subtly hidden in a lot of children’s cartoons and animated films, but there’s nothing subtle about these jokes.   1. Old Habits Adam […]

If Toddlers Wrote Yelp Reviews

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Every parent knows how absolutely crazy kids can be about food. Throw that hot mess into the public arena of a restaurant and things only get nuttier. So, let’s have a look at some reviews toddlers might write, if they could write like us big people.            

My Wife Just Said… #330

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

I have to imagine that other parents do this thing my wife and I do, when deciding what we’re going to watch. After the kid’s bedtime, and by that I mean, after he’s gotten up once or twenty times, when he actually goes to for-real sleep, we settle down for some of our own hard-earned […]

My Wife Just Mommy-Brained… #329

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

There’s a term called “mommy brain.” Sure, men can have daddy brain, too, of course, because it simply refers to the incredibly dumb things you say and do (or forget to) as a parent because your kids and life have ganged up and mugged the majority of your IQ points. When our parental noggins are […]

Hyper-Real, Hyper-Freaky 3D of Cartoon Characters

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

I’m a designer, so I work with visuals, but 3D art has always astounded me. I tried to learn it one and was able to create a cylinder with a cone sticking out of its side. So yeah. I gave up on that form of creative, but my respect for 3D artists has only deepened. […]

My Wife Just Sang… #328

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

Don’t get me wrong, Total Eclipse of the Heart is a great song, I love it. But any parent knows that anything good can be ruined by experiencing it several hundreds of times. Parents who watched Frozen, may have said “Hey, this is actually a pretty good movie,” and then, after a few weeks of […]

10 Twisted But Not Too Twisted Family Comics

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

We live in dark times. So who needs anymore offensive, insensitive douchbaggery? No thanks. But! There’s an amazing middle ground between the stupid silliness of a kid’s candy-wrapper joke and the going-to-hell-in-handbasket darkness of some jokes out there. So whether they’re snarky, darkish or edgy, hopefully these jokes hit your funny bone. But, not like […]

Just You Try Not to Smile at this Pregnancy Reveal

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

There are some moments people share online that are just so rad and uplifting, you can’t help but explode with joy (on a good day) or at least crack a smile with a pleased nod (when you’re having a terrible day). This is one of those moments. The first (hopefully) and most important (definitely) pregnancy […]