The Generosity of Kids Is… Overwhelming
You pour soooooo much into your kids. I don’t mean food, but yeah, there is that. I mean your love, your sleep, your energy (what there is left of it), your sweat, your tears. As if by instinct, you don’t really do so with any expectation of anything in return. That isn’t to say that […]

The Charlie Brown Question
“I going kill myself.” No sooner did it leave his lips than I pounced on his statement with a question. “Where did you hear that?” His little formative 3-year-old mind had already moved on to more fertile pastures, a grouping of Lego blocks for the moment. “Where did you hear that, Finn?” I didn’t want […]

Bad Product Idea #12: BeDoodlers Sleepy-Time Skin Markers (For Adults)
Picture it. The little ones have finally stopped talking and moving and mess-making and… needing. They’re finally sleeping like the rocks you now feel like you’ve been bombarded with. But after the kid-valanche, things can seem startlingly slow. A little boring even. Don’t turn to a screen to chill out and wind down, though. BeDoodle […]

My Wife Just Sang… #99
“Oh yes! 99 Luftballoons! I LOVE that song! I used to be able to sing the whole thing. Yes. The German version.” [Commences singing] -Elizabeth ““ Previous “My Wife Just Said…”

Office Spaced
This is my last video, and as such, I thought we should go out with a… suit. My birthday suit, perhaps? I recently got a new job that has me, get this, showering and shaving. All the time. Weird, right? While I don’t have to wear a suit on the regular, I occasionally need to […]

The DON’Ts of Waiting on Tables of Families
There is an art to waiting tables. It is a dying art. It’s certainly a really a hard job, but there are tricks to it. To make it not be so awful. Everyone knows it must be a gruesome task to wait on tables that contain kids, but I’m a parent, so I’m not writing […]

How to Play Any Game with a Kid (Flowchart)
You sit there sweating bullets. You’re not worried you’ll lose, maybe there’s a hint of worry you’ll accidentally win. You’re just trying to keep up, playing a game with this young ball of spin-cycle lightning we commonly refer to as a kid. Whether it’s your kid or not is beside the point. It’s a KID! […]

The Breakfast NASA Launch
Remember how I said my wife, Avara, didn’t want to be in the videos? Well, while shooting one day we had to film a part where I drop off Finn at “his school” and we didn’t have anyone to play his teacher. Avara happened to be on the set so she could take Finn home […]

In Praise of Mediocrity
As a father, I am not perfect. In fact, I’m so far from perfect, if I wanted to overnight a letter to perfect, it would cost me $46. David and the Vienna clan. So, while I do strive for perfection, I think mediocrity serves as a realistic short-term goal for me””mostly because I’ve already attained […]

My Wife Just Said… #98
“Can you imagine the kind of sex we could have if I were Elastigirl from The Incredibles?” –Avara ““ Previous “My Wife Just Said…”