Month: October 2013

My Wife Just Said...

My Wife Just Said… #131

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

“We need to develop a hand signal that says: it’s not you, I’m just on my period.” -Elizabeth   Yes please! We can take hand jive classes if necessary! Oh and I feel your pain! In a “I totally don’t actually feel your pain because I’m a guy and don’t menstruate” kind of way. Though, […]

Watching Dreams Unfold


It’s rare that you get to witness a sun go supernova or a dream born in someone’s eyes. Well, today is your lucky day, my friend. Enjoy. This toddler loves Freddie Mercury. And I can’t blame him. Someone give that kid some instruments and voice lessons. ““ Follow us on Facebook. The best way to […]

The Princess Dolls Convos with my 3 year old

“The Princess Dolls” : Convos With My 3 Year Old


Kids play pretend all the time. A lot of them continue to do so into adulthood. For instance, the concept of “privacy for parents” is one of the craziest mythological fantasies ever dreamt up. Practically crazy talk. Subscribe to ConvosWith2YrOld to follow the series. (Liking, favoriting and commenting helps videos on YouTube, so go nuts.) […]

Our Baby Hiccups

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

My wife texted (cause that’s a word, right?) me this video from home yesterday. It all becomes so much more real when you see the heartbeat or watch them move. My little boy is bouncing around in there somewhere. He’s growing and developing. Most of the ultrasounds have had ample placenta covering his face, but […]

The History of Wiping

The History of Wiping (Illustrated, but not FULLY)


Disclosure: This post is brought to you by the masters of personal cleansing comfort, Cottonelle. To see how Cottonelle Toilet Paper and Cottonelle Flushable Cleansing Cloths can practically change the destiny of your bum, click here.   By the time we begin to have kids, we’ve been pretty thoroughly acquainted with the act of “tidying […]

Scrabble Scribble 3 Internet Pictures

Internet Pictures – Scrabble Scribble #3

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

  The Internet is like a giant pool. Unfortunately, embarrassing pictures can be the online version of a really grody “warm spot.” Worse yet, you really can’t take pee out of a pool. Some pictures of you can be as thumb-suckingly bad as yearbook photos, except nowadays they can happen every week or day or […]

The Circle Closes in the Land of Nod

Posted under NOTEBOOK

We moved the weekend before last and everything has changed. Especially us. When you live in places without children of your own, there is no permanence. Having kids, no matter where you reside, anchors you to time and place like nothing else. I saw the pregnancy stick read positive in one apartment. I watched my […]

Guide to Trick or Treating

A Guide to Being Tricky or Treaty

Posted under NOTEBOOK

This goes against the code at never provide useful or important information, least of all instructions on how to do something. Correctly. So I’ve added in how to do be a total box of chocolate-covered douche-peanuts as well, to even things out. Also, I figure since this isn’t exactly a major parenting or world […]

The Apartment

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

One apartment. That’s where this took place. I can’t even believe it. And now we have another one of these joining us in December. Can love be divided into two? Or will it just multiply how much I can love… So much more to tell you, but I’m too tired to type. I will tell […]


Parenterms: “Awkwurchase”

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Some people experience buyers remorse as they are buying something. Sucked into the inescapable gravitational pull of the purchasing process, maybe they feel they’ll look like a moron or worse, a poor person, abandoning items in front of store clerks and their fellow shoppers. Always watching. Always judging. “Ooooooo you grabbed a pack of size […]