Month: June 2015

17 Ways To Hold A Baby


We don’t typically like to showcase much “how-to” content. It would make us seem like we were helpful, which, if you’ve read any of this website, you know we are not. But this guy is on to something here. If you’re an active person, holding a baby can get tricky without a sling or proper […]

My Kid Just Said… #61

Posted under "MY KID JUST SAID..."

“That was pretty funny, right, Daddy? … So… Are you going to post it on the internet? Ha ha! Because I think you should post that on the internet.” -Lucas (2015, 6 years old)   NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I swear he doesn’t really even know what that means! He’s just parroting what he’s heard his mom and […]

Dad + Kids x Dance = YES!!!


The internet brings us terrible and awesome things. Mostly terrible, but it makes the awesome that much more rad. Or radder. A raddening occurs. Today’s internet awesome comes from a dance teacher and his 4 year-old son. This dance team of Dad + Son is fantastic. Just what you need on a Friday to get […]

“Of Bikes and Ants” : Convos With My 4-Year-Old


Everything about death is always hard, including explaining what it is. It seems particularly hard because kids are so innocent, naive and positively bursting at the seems with alive-ness. They’re just starting out life, learning how to pedal and steer their little bodies and bikes. Of course, it’s necessary that they understand the concept, but […]

Maximumble: Use for Toys


  Call it a side effect, a byproduct or an outcome, but fatherhood can lead to some rad consequences. It’s the most responsibility and pressure you can earn, but it’s also a perfect opportunity. I see a lot of “dads are buddies” stereotypes. It can be confusing to witness. There’s a pervasive myth that we’re […]

Guide to Applying Sunscreen to a Child (or Wrestling a Croc)


We’ve partnered with Blue Lizard Australian Sunscreen for this post because who doesn’t want to “go Austrailian” on protecting our kids from the sun, mate?   Children are not always a fan of… a lot of things. Washing, seat-belting, eating, taking medicine, being sunscreened, wearing clothes. They’re often furiously disinterested in and agonized by all […]

A Father’s Shadow

Posted under NOTEBOOK

When a man becomes a father he suddenly casts a larger shadow. One that grows bigger with the years. One that poops and pees everywhere. Keeps him awake at night. Bangs things and breaks them. A shadow that follows him, watches him, learns from him and tries to do what he does, tries to stand […]

5 Videos Describe Parenting In Under 10 Seconds

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Many people yell at email us with very deep, introspective questions about fatherhood and parenting. Today, we’d like to address some of these questions head on in the most effective manner the internet can handle: short, silly videos in a list format. Most of us are so concerned with getting this parenting thing right, we […]

The Little Terrible Runaway

Posted under NOTEBOOK

  Sorre i haf to go a way. I Am sorre! I Love you But you Love me to. Buy Buy 💔 😢   He sat there sniffling on the sidewalk in front of our house. His long and bold journey away from the pain and torment of home was only the length of our […]

8 Honest Names for 1980s Toys

Posted under NOTEBOOK

There were so many toys I wanted growing up. We had a rule, when I was a kid, that we had to sell a toy to get a new one. It was like a strange banking system. Inevitably one of the toys would break, sending the whole system into a tailspin (also, a great reference […]