Month: January 2018

My Wife Just Said Pretending to be interested

My Wife Just Pretended… #338

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

I’m not exactly sure after how many years on average it is, but there’s a point in marriage where you just develop acceptances of some things. Things that you’ve come to honest terms with, like your partner not actually paying a single molecule of attention to what you’re saying. When you were first courting, you […]

Goodnight, Butt

Posted under NOTEBOOK

It’s easy to get laughs making jokes about how horrific kids can be about going to bed, and it can be throbbing-forehead-vein frustrating when it’s so late you know with dread that they’re just going to rise like cranky zombies at their usual butt crack of dawn. But there are also those really sweet moments. […]

12 Rad Dad Moments

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Rad dad moments aren’t just ninja reflexes for those lightning-fast saves. Teaching, playing, wrangling, soothing, patiently enduring; it can be any kind of dadding. These moments don’t even have to be experiences that anyone else witnesses ““ moments your kid might not even be aware of their specialness. When you’re just proud of yourself and […]

Dad Illustrates the Nutty Things He’s Had to Say to His Kids

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

All parents have had that moment where we say something, and the second it leaves our lips, we’re shocked by the utter strangeness of what we’ve just had to say. Sentences that we’re dead certain no human being has ever had to say in the entire history of human speech. When they’re babies, parents say […]