12 Rad Dad Moments

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Rad dad moments aren’t just ninja reflexes for those lightning-fast saves. Teaching, playing, wrangling, soothing, patiently enduring; it can be any kind of dadding. These moments don’t even have to be experiences that anyone else witnesses ““ moments your kid might not even be aware of their specialness. When you’re just proud of yourself and […]

Dad Illustrates the Nutty Things He’s Had to Say to His Kids

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

All parents have had that moment where we say something, and the second it leaves our lips, we’re shocked by the utter strangeness of what we’ve just had to say. Sentences that we’re dead certain no human being has ever had to say in the entire history of human speech. When they’re babies, parents say […]

The 2 Types of Parents on New Year’s Eve

Posted under NOTEBOOK

This post is brought to you by Responsibility.org, but (hopefully) it’s funny and relatable af!   There are two types of parents on New Year’s. Those that stay home for the evening, and then there are the lunatics. Okay, maybe the couples who go out aren’t lunatics exactly, and sure, there are more types than […]

14 Christmas Comics We Can Actually Now Enjoy

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Now that this year’s frenzied Christmas is finally done and nestled in its bed, we can take a moment to settle down and look back on it all for a laugh, hopefully. Sure, there’s still mountains of boxes and wrapping paper dunes that need to be dealt with, and gifts that need assembly or tech […]

Elf on the Shelf Next-Level Tactics


Some kids love it, most parents hate it. For those of you who aren’t familiar with this odd holiday tradition, here’s a simple, humorous summary. And for those who ARE familiar, consider this a snarky recap of the strangeness that is the Elf on the Shelf.   Here’s How it Works You shell out about […]

Sesame Street Does a Priceless Parody of STRANGER THINGS!

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

Just when you thought the people who make Sesame Street couldn’t be any cooler, the creative geniuses come up with a parody of all things the Netflix original series, Stranger Things. The pairing of their own kid-centric show with a show that, despite having child actors, is very much… not kid-centric, is pretty amazing. Sharing […]

My Wife Just Texted… #336

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

Ah-HAH! No one likes a taste of their own medicine, especially when the medicine is actually pine sap and broken glass. ALL men know that the dreaded “we need to talk” is rarely (if ever) followed by something nice and safe like deciding on a pattern for the living room curtains or some such marshmallow […]