My Wife Just Sang… #328

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

Don’t get me wrong, Total Eclipse of the Heart is a great song, I love it. But any parent knows that anything good can be ruined by experiencing it several hundreds of times. Parents who watched Frozen, may have said “Hey, this is actually a pretty good movie,” and then, after a few weeks of […]

10 Twisted But Not Too Twisted Family Comics

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

We live in dark times. So who needs anymore offensive, insensitive douchbaggery? No thanks. But! There’s an amazing middle ground between the stupid silliness of a kid’s candy-wrapper joke and the going-to-hell-in-handbasket darkness of some jokes out there. So whether they’re snarky, darkish or edgy, hopefully these jokes hit your funny bone. But, not like […]

Just You Try Not to Smile at this Pregnancy Reveal

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

There are some moments people share online that are just so rad and uplifting, you can’t help but explode with joy (on a good day) or at least crack a smile with a pleased nod (when you’re having a terrible day). This is one of those moments. The first (hopefully) and most important (definitely) pregnancy […]

My Wife Just Said… #326

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

Sometimes we put off things, kidding ourselves that they won’t be so bad when we do them later. HAH! I’m not sure how we fool ourselves into these utter interplanetary flights of fancy. Maybe it’s that our distaste for a task is so extreme that it gives us the delusion-fuel we need to con ourselves […]

The Hairdresser Who Stole My Little Boy

Posted under NOTEBOOK

It had been a long while since my son had a haircut. It really wasn’t for any other reason than procrastination and the fact that he just didn’t give a single bother. His hair was swiftly approaching a Musketeer’s length, though, so we started trying to work a haircut into our busy summer schedule (and […]

Amazing Disney Villain Makeup

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

I’ve tried painting my kid’s face before. It didn’t go spectacularly well. I was going for a tiger and he wound up looking like he fell asleep face-first on a pile of Reese’s peanut butter cups. But kids are so generous about terrible things, so my little mutant tiger ran around the house roaring proudly. […]

Drama, It’s What’s for Dinner (Video Compilation)

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

I can’t personally remember being an absolute douchecanoe about food when I was a kid. Then I thought this might be some kind of self-imposed amnesia our bodies perform, because if they didn’t, we might not procreate as a species if we had crystal clear memories of the little horrors we were. So, I asked […]

11 Family Comics of an Edgier but Safe-for-Work Sort

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

A good o’l clean, wholesome joke can hit the funny spot nicely, but after watching G-rated animated shows and films practically on loop until your eyes see brightly-colored pixels, you can develop a hankering for something a little more mature, a little darker maybe. Not evil dark, or porny mature, but just some humor that […]

My Wife Just Shouted… #325

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

We all want our kids to be themselves. Until “being themselves” is them hollering down grocery aisles with a baguette lightsaber and their shirt wrapped around their head. Kids can come up with some pretty record-scratchy, startling comebacks that leave us parents speechless; either because they’re so spot on, it’s hard to counter their really […]

Are You a Better Parent?

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Fellow joke teller and new friend of mine, Karen Johnson (The 21st Century SAHM) recently posted this and, though it’s written from the perspective of a mom, it spoke to me as a father. Yelled at me, really. Her words are truly universal to parenting, and they’ve since gone completely bat-shit viral. I’m not at […]