Serious Subjects Can Get Seriously Silly with Kids


When you tackle a subject with your kid that’s one of the more life-lessonie topics, it can be pretty dang interesting. You start to find out what they have -100 clues about, and what they’ve picked up from wherever. But, like a lollipop that rolled under the couch, sometimes some pretty unusual stuff sticks to […]

Dad Jokes Hall of Shame – Part 8

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

The effects of a Dad Jokes can be great in one of two ways: 1) they’ll either make your belly wobble a lot or maybe just an amused snort, OR 2) you’ll be appalled and they’ll make every other joke seem hilariously better by comparison. So, love ’em or hate ’em, it’s basically a total […]

My Wife Just Said… #324

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

It’s not like we don’t loooooove love love our kids. But kids are proof positive you can have too much of a good thing. After a long day of doing all of the things, non-stop, there’s a point where your kid being removed from the mix couldn’t come soon enough. Sometimes this point occurs when […]

44 Bad Parent Tattoos, But I Mean HORRIFICALLY Bad

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

We’ve all got our opinions about tattoos. Some of us love ’em and some of us don’t, but it’s a safe bet that we can all sit down together and agree that these tattoos are just friggin’ awful. I completely understand that the love a parent has for their kid could create a strong impulse […]

Toddlers Priceless First-Time Reactions to Fireworks (Video)

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

I remember being astounded by fireworks as a little kid. I love them, but… well, it wasn’t really a love-hate relationship, it was more of love-terror thing. Now that I’m all grown up with three kids that are well past toddlerhood, I’ve had the chance to see the evolution of their awed reactions as they […]

My Wife Just Said… #322

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

After my wife said this ““ well, after I was done laughing ““ I told her she just might have happened upon a billion dollar idea, there. Those Kidz Bop albums (with little kids singing covers of pop music) seem to sell like hot cakes, and I’m pretty sure if there was a “Fart Bop” […]

Why Be Afraid of the Dentist When You Can Be Terrified

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

A lot of people are terrified of going to the dentist. Some eventually outgrow their fear, of course, but it’s safe to say it’s a bit of a pants-peeing experience for kids. Just look at it from their perspective. “Okay, little [kid’s name]. Sit in this strange, slippery chair with the spotlight on it so […]

A Wild Baby Attack with a Chocolate Milk Ending

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

Here we see dramatic video footage of a mom’s boob being viciously attacked by her ravenous newborn! No, not really! Haha! But her adorable little daughter, Ava, seemed to think so. When she toddles into the hospital room where she caught her mom breastfeeding the hungry new arrival, she didn’t seem to know what to […]

28 Completely Unnecessarily Honest Notes from Kids

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

The other day my 7-year-old son and I were headed home from an errand, and he asked me if we had time to play when we got home. I told him, sure, but when we started talking about what we would play, he started disqualifying certain things. “We shouldn’t play tag, because I know you’re […]