World’s Greatest Mom Is Hilarious (6 Clips)

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

The German comedienne, Martina Hill, does a ton of wild and amazing short comedy sketches. The fact that these are not in English will matter not one single solitary bit, trust me! The humor is so universal, they transcend language and it’s absolutely no wonder so many of these have gone crazy viral globally. Enjoy […]

My Wife Just Lost It… #320

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

In the fevered rush to get ready for summer break, sometimes you have a bit of an emotional break. Getting schooling and homework all done, projects, rehearsals for the end of school show, plus every other goddam thing in the life of a child wrangler, it can get to you. Everyone has their breaking point, […]

11 Parenting Comics that Will Make Parenting Seem Not So Awful

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

I’m a designer and sort-of illustrator, so I have a natural affinity toward web comics. There’s something more important about them for me, though, and why I love to share them with you. When you can take some friction points of parenthood and apply some humorous lube to… um, wait. Let me state that differently. […]

Babies + Dogs = Heckin Cute! (19 Clips)

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Before they can play fetch, or even hold a ball in their fist, when they’re juuuuust starting out in life, a kid can form bonds with their dog and chisel memories into their heart that will last a lifetime. Each of these 19 moments is like watching the origin story of a kid and their […]

Box of Imagination


Amazing comic by The Awkward Yeti, a must-follow (his Facebook). ““ Kids have wild and vibrant imaginations. Imaginations that also have some seriously long-distance endurance. Nearly any adult playing pretend or listening to a kid tell a story they’re making up as-they-go can start to look around with slightly frantic eyes after a while, looking […]

My Wife Just Asked… #318

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

When you become a parent, your physical appearance can become a ridiculously low priority. Looking “good” is an expendable commodity we can trade for the precious few minutes we save ignoring it. This is especially true for moms and dads who are the primary caretaker of a youngling. Dressing up? Hah! Hilarious. A nice outfit? […]

6 Stunningly Terrible Baby Product Ideas


We’ve all seen ads or stores selling baby-related products that had us tilting our head and muttering, “Really???” Sometimes it’s because they seem useless and stupid, or downright unsafe. It’s hard to believe sometimes, but they’re actually out there, for someone with money in their pocket and sh*t for brains, apparently. How ’bout, we take […]

Parenterms: “Adorablewhelming”

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Our kids can achieve levels of cuteness that, before becoming parents, we would never have believed even possible. It doesn’t need to be some viral YouTube video of a moment. It can simply be the most mundane thing our kid does that turns us into glowing emotional wrecks. A lump in our throat makes our […]

Cute Girl Has Hilarious Trouble Saying Th*cker

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

When kids are little, and just start learning how to speak, you get all sort of priceless pronunciations. They use Ws for Ls, making adorable words like “wittle yewwow wemons.” They smash their Rs or drop them out, so they sound a cutely British when they refer to their “wed wace cahw.” Then there’s the […]