My Wife Just Said… #316

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

Homework can be like the ghost of Schooling Past, come to haunt and torment parents as their kids rise through their schooling. While I applaud my 7-year-old’s eagerness for homework and I’m incredibly grateful he hasn’t developed a distaste for it (yet), my wife and I still internally moan a bit when the homework folder […]

Caught in the iAct!

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

Kids break things. It’s in their DNA. Okay, maybe it isn’t, but there’s a lot of klutziness between the time their little-human DNA becomes big-human DNA. We’ve all done it, as kids ourselves, and I think it’s fairly safe to say that every parent has experienced with their own kid. Committing some “crime” or accident, […]

13 Weird and Dark Family Comics

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Um. Okay. So some of these are pretty damned weird. This post isn’t a casual cruise through a pleasant neighborhood, it’s gonna do some donuts and peel out on the road less travelled. So, buckle up, buttercup! As is my standard though, these are all safe-for-work and don’t get really raunchy or offensive or political […]

Extreme Tips for Over-Protecting Your Kids


I’ve joined forces with as one of their paid ambassadors for their TalkEarly campaign, which is about, well… talking early about alcohol responsibility with your kids. Cheers!   We all want to protect our kids’ innocence as long as possible. On one hand, we’re there to protect them; on the other hand, we’re supposed […]

My Wife Just Said… #314

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

It’s not that I’m completely incapable of taking care of myself. It’s that I’m mostly incapable of it. Probably. My wife and I have our own particular setup. Every couple develops a system and routines in their marriage and in parenthood, whether all duties are shared or divided up. Whatever works. Hopefully. I’d like to […]

Toddler Cars: Beyond Fury Road

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

I just recently rewatched the original Mad Max and was surprised by how well it survived the passage of time. I remember watching it as a kid and being struck by the sad desperation of a post-apocalyptic world, but, because I was kid, I was obviously way more struck by how totally flippin’ awesome it […]

Getting Older (7 Fowl Comics)

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

We all get older, sure, but having kids seems to accelerate every aspect of the aging process. We hear popular music come on and look at our radio as if it has lost its mind. When we have kids, we cringe at our kids repeating the lyrics. We notice hairs growing in places no self-respecting […]

Surviving Being a Passenger When Your Spouse Is Driving


“‹ Okay. Maybe they’re not terrible, crazy drivers (unlikely). Maybe it’s because we’re used to driving ourselves (probably not). Maybe your faith in their skill is shaky because they just hit their head on the fridge door or asked you where something was while they were holding it in their hand (now we’re talkin’). Whatever […]

Watches Food Network Once…

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

It’s always been true that parents struggle with feeding their kid, at least in one way or another. We want them to eat healthy, sure, but once some of us realize what savagely picky food critics our kids can be, we occasionally downshift our standards, and just concentrating on getting them to eat. ANYTHING. But […]