My Easter Bunny Just Said… #312


Here’s a pretty funny story about how my wife, EHEM! I mean, the EASTER BUNNY got a little tripped up this year. Our 7-year-old woke early Easter morning, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Which of course means my wife and I also woke, but a little more like roadkill. He rushed to the kitchen, with us stumbling […]

Trying to Understand WTF Kids Are Saying These Days

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Slang. Lingo. The vernacular of young people. We had it ourselves in our youth. Rad, bitchin’, grody, hella, whatever. Our parents probably side-eyed us pretty hard when we said the words and phrases of our day. But nowadays? Whoa. The internet is likely to blame, but it seems like slang is out of control, at […]

Stay-At-Home Fatherhood Captured in Hilarious Sticky Notes

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Most of us leave Post-In notes around for ourselves or for our partner in child rearing. As fulfilling as parenthood is, it sure can be devastating on ones wits and memory. But this post is about someone who went beyond written reminders plastered all over the house. Somewhere heartwarming, hilarious and occasionally off-color. Chris Illuminati […]

28 FAILS That’ll Make You Feel Like a Great Parent

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Parenting automatically comes with a fair amount of self-doubt and second- or seventieth-guessing, but it’s made even worse when we see the never ending online parade of other parents’ manicured glamour shots and stories of parenting perfection. Guinness-World-Record worthy craft projects on Pinterest. Facebook posts of 4-year-olds writing cursive in another language. All of it […]

Learning the Different Differences of People


There isn’t just one single point that every parent experiences with their kid learning about the difference of other people. Because they’re all different, in usual and in unique ways, you’ll run into several experiences. Little ones don’t tend to get too caught up in the abstract differences of character and personality, so they tend […]

My Wife Just Lost Something… #310

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

My wife is so good at putting things away, by golly, they STAY put away. Sometimes for years. Only to be rediscovered when we move. Maybe. I can’t fault her, though. When you look at the bazillion things she juggles, it makes sense that some things would slip through the cracks. As understandable as it […]

Passing The Force On To My Son

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Here’s a little story of a father and a son, a special bond reaching across decades, and a mystery about a nostalgic treasure that could be worthless or… worth a lot more than worthless. Last week my wife and I finally got around to choosing and buying some old vintage prints to put up in […]

12 Weird & Edgy Family Comics

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

A good ol’, safe-for-kids joke has it’s place. Typically in front of kids. However, there’s a vast world of jokes that aren’t safe for kids, but don’t necessarily get super internet-gross or offensive. A funny, happy middle ground between the sweet innocence and sociopathic derangement. Let’s set down the kids-lunch juice box and enjoy a […]

Counting to Three

Posted under NOTEBOOK

We don’t all to do it with our kids, but whether it’s counting up or down, a whole friggin’ lot of us parents have. “I’m going to count to three!” As with everything having to do with kids, results will vary wildly for this disciplinary time bomb.  Some kids are “you had me at One” […]

Who’s Your Favorite? (A Hilarious Interrogation)

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

Parenting isn’t a competition. Well. It shouldn’t be. But, even for parents who work together perfectly, your heart can kind of feel like it got the silver medal and lost a little in some moments. You ask if they want you to read them a story and they say, “I wan’ Mommy to wead to […]