My Wife Just Mommy-Brained… #305

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

We had boxes and bags of old toys we’d finally convinced (bribed and begged, basically) our seven-year-old son to part with. But little kids have a rather random and fast-changing mind, so we knew we needed to get them out of the house and over to Goodwill, ASAFP. The past three nights our little guy […]

Dad Dancing His Baby to “Beat It” Is Priceless

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

Baby’s are absolutely wonderful. But let’s face it, they can also be pretty boring. They need a lot of care and changing and feeding, of course, but when they don’t, things can occasionally get a little slow. Sure, when they’re really little everything is exciting. Flexing teeny fingers, speaking dolphin, crossing their eyes, making a […]

19 WonderAWFUL Kid Valentime’s Day Cards

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

In addition to the wild spellings kids come up with for “Valentimes” Day, their messages range from hilariously adorable to hilariously disturbing. So, if you ever thought you were bad at writing a sweet or romantic messages, these are going to make you feel like the greatest poet that ever lived. You’re NOT going to […]

20 Hilarious Parenting Memes

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Parenting has a lot of funny moments to it, and even the not-so-funny moments can be made fun of pretty damn majestically. There are a truck ton of hilarious kid-owners out there shouting their jokes from the social media rooftops as humorous text, picture of video memes. I have the pleasure of knowing a bunch […]

Realistic Love Notes for Parents


  There’s really only one thing that changes dramatically when you have a baby: EVERYTHING. Sure we all lose a lot of sleep, money, energy, car keys and brain cells. We don’t tend to blab online about intimacy as much, but it takes a huge hit, too. So, let’s all snuggle up with a “tell […]

My Wife Just Sobbed… #303

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

She was obviously in a funk, so I made sure I hadn’t stepped on her emotional toes somehow in a clumsy husband way. But her mood was shadowed by the upcoming school field trip. A sleep-away trip. The school was going to a place in the mountains and the kids would all stay the night […]

Toddler’s Guide to a Banana


Bananas, ‘nanas, nanners or whatever you call them, are often referred to as “nature’s perfect food” because they’re loaded with such good nutrients. Their perfection becomes even perfecter for parents because they can be toted around in a purse or bag as portable, unrefrigerated rations that are actually good for a kid to eat. However, […]

Dad Jokes Hall of Shame ““ Visual Edition

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

In addition to the vast number of spoken or written dad jokes, there are also some delightful visual puns to make us to burst out in laughter, or sounds resembling groaning or whimpering. They say “a picture is worth a thousand words,” but who wants to listen to all that blah blah blah when it […]

Parenterms: “Calculatte”


We’ve all done that late-night math to figure out how much sleep we’d get if we fell asleep right that second. Sadly for parents, this assumes you’ll sleep through until your alarm goes off. Hahahahahah! Ugh. It’s hard to figure out the sleep you’ll get when you have a living alarm clock with no snooze […]