Grandpa Vader & Kylo, A Christmas Story

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

This is amaaaaaazing. Even if you’re not a stark raving Star Wars fan like me, you’ll still appreciate a lot of the relatabale moments shown here, when grandparents look after their grandkid. Sure, regular grandparents might not be spoiling your kid quite like Santa Vader, and when they break your rules, it’s necessarily your “no […]

Playtime Level: Dad

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Dads can be pretty silly when it’s playtime. Sometimes we can get SO into it, we take it to the next level, then chug some coffee or an energy drink and keep on plowing passed as many levels as we possibly can. With holiday gift giving just days away, I’m sure there will be plenty […]

How To Watch Your Kid Do Something “All By Myself”


As awesome and necessary as it is, growing kids up, sometimes it’s mind-bendingly hard to watch a kid do something on their own. It can be hard because it’s eye-twitchingly frustrating, from a time consuming standpoint, and from an ARE EVEN YOU KIDDING ME standpoint, as they turn their jacket inside out or something in […]

“Holiday Shopping” : Convos With My 6-Year-Old

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

I went shopping with my 7yo son recently, and I made use of the drive there to go over (over and over and over) the trip’s one ground rule. I had him repeat it. “What’s the one rule for this trip?” I asked as we rolled into the parking lot. “No asking for you to […]

My Wife Just Realized… #295

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

She went on to say that she thought the world would be a better place if people just wore pajamas all the time. I’m not sure if I agree that’d make a huge difference to the issues humanity faces, but by golly, it seems like it’d be worth a shot. It doesn’t seem like it […]

BB-8 Takes Manhattan

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

There’s nothing my nerd-heart loves more than seeing fantasy and fiction come to life in… real life. It’s what our imaginations were made for. All our play as kids, every time we imagined something fantastic happening to us — those moments were our minds calling out for something magic in our everyday. Star Wars is […]

Baby Phone Bandit Video (Famous Movie Mashup)

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

You may think you’ve already seen this adorable toddler running away with her older sister’s phone, but probably not the full original video. If you haven’t seen it, you’re going to love it. The sheer giggle-packed joy of this little cellphone bandit is infectious, viral one might say. I couldn’t resist creating a version with […]

10 Christmas Comics from a Parent’s Perspective

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Let’s face it. Christmas is mostly for the kids. It certainly is if you judge it by the utter hell parents put themselves through to make it special for the little, giggling present-shakers. Let’s enjoy these 10 Fowl Language Comics by Brian Gordon for a cartooned view of some of the things parents go through. […]

Nerf Wars: Revenge of the Husband

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

Listen, my wife and I have a funny, and to those on the outside, odd relationship sometimes. We do things that annoy each other on purpose. We sometimes wrestle around in bed. We make sounds or voices that grate on our respective last nerves. This woman? Well, she’s a saint for putting up with this […]