My Wife Just Said… #291

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

It always happens to her. At some point, she’ll finally get some new bras and underpants where she falls in love with a specific few. Then the brand seems to decide to drop them later and replace them with something that turns out to be scratchy, too stretchy, designed for potatoes or just vaguely lamer […]

Brilliant Life Truths on Sticky Notes

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Aside from having a pretty majestic beard, Chaz Hutton (Insta-Chaz), is apparently the world’s first sticky note lifestyle guru. With his pen and his genius he diagrams and charts out the truths and how-tos of adult life on a single yellow sticky note. Well, lots of them, but like… one at a time. Here’s a […]

Say Goodnight

Posted under NOTEBOOK

I don’t feel like being funny or clever or inspirational or right or wrong or angry or sad or political or fatherly or parental or protective or judgmental. Donald Trump is a joke. But it’s never been funny. Sorry, America. I’m tired. I’m going to pick my kids up from school. I’m going sit with […]

Vote For Pizza!

Posted under NOTEBOOK

It’s Election Season! Hopefully you’re out there voting or already have. Whatever anyone’s political party or views are, I’m sure we can all agree that this election has been an emotional roller coaster ride through a carnival freak show. In light of that, I want to give you a break from the grim seriousness of […]

11 Darker Family Comics PART 2

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Once you’ve heard enough of Elmo’s helium laughs or Winnie the Pooh’s festive giggles, parents can develop an appetite for some humor that’s a little more mature than Thomas the Tank Engine’s eyes rolling like cooky spinning tops. Let’s enjoy some cartoon characters saying things that we wouldn’t necessarily show our kids, but we won’t […]

The Fine Art of… Balloon Animals? (25 Pics)

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Not everyone has tried twisting rubber air sausages into balloon things, like a dog or a crown or a tangled “whatever you want it to be.” A lot of us that have tried, tend to fall back on the joke, “I can make whatever you want as long as it’s a sword or a snake! […]

The Ultimate Guide to Candy Trading

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

Everyone’s tastes are unique when it comes to Halloween candy. Nevertheless, there is a candy stock exchange/currency system at work every year. I often, like this video describes, pretended to be in the sour candy zone in an effort to trade up for more chocolate, but that never really worked out for me. As kids, […]

My Wife Just Said to Herself… #289

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

When your wife says something that makes little to negative-eleven sense, a husband would probably do well to simple nod and say, “Ah.” I however made the mistake chose to join in the conversation. She’d said something random about an Amazon order, I think. My bad for thinking she was talking to me, whatever was […]

Stranger Things + Peanuts = YES

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

I know, I know. I don’t like it when Christmas encroaches on Halloween anymore than you do. But this is important, nay, NECESSARY viewing! On a scale of 1 to 10, this video is an ELEVEN. See what I did there? I have been watching the Peanuts Christmas special since I was a wee lad […]

Dad Turns His Son’s Drawings Into Oddmazing Reality

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

We parents have to go through an awful parental edition of Pictionary. You know, that high-stress guessing game that begins when your kid hands you a drawing they drawed just for you? “A chair! A cat? Um, a tractor? Is it a camel? Uhhhhh… a clown???” You either guess it right or get sternly corrected […]