The Coolest Halloween Costume By A Dad (2016)

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

Halloween is probably my favorite holiday. I love other holidays, don’t get me wrong, but Halloween has a special place in my heart because it gives us the opportunity make magic. Sometimes, though, other parents make me look like an amateur. This dad, who we’ve covered before, nails Halloween costumes. This year he’s made yet […]

Guide to How Kids Judge Your Halloween Candy


Everyone has their varying candy preferences, but sizing up what’s been plopped into the bag is a pretty universal part of Halloween. However grateful and well-mannered they are, it’s impossible for trick-or-treaters to avoid casting some judgement on the treat-giver-outers they encounter. You see, parents don’t often let kids eat the entire bag in one […]

My Wife Just Said… #287

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

It really doesn’t seem to make too much sense when you get to Saturday afternoon and you feel like screaming, “Have fun dammit!” Especially if you’re saying it to yourself. Whipping yourself up into a psychotic froth in order to do fun or relaxing things is maybe just an eensy weeny bit counterintuitive, no? A […]

When Pixar Goes Dark

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

I’ve always been a fan of Pixar. I was 14 years-old when Toy Story came out. I was a little unsure that I’d want to watch it, since it seemed like a children’s program and I was trying to so hard to act like an adult. Teenagers almost always mistake adulthood and seriousness. But when […]

Things No Parent Ever Wants Stopped up


You see a LOT of jokes out there about the funny and not-so-funny poop expereinces parents endure. Heck! A huge percentage of those joke are mine. But there’s another kind of struggle that’s horribly real. The opposite of poop; when the little one just isn’t going at all and their mud dumper seems to be […]

HalloWINNING for Parents (7 Comics)

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

The leaves are turning, or in my case as a resident of Southern California, the shorts are turning into pants. Halloween is looming! Whatever hails the changing of the seasons for you, ever since I was a wee little scab-picker, Halloween wasn’t just Halloween for me. Pumpkins and polyester cobwebs were the only evident thing […]

When Dads Toy Battle (Crazy Special Effects VIDEO)

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

Kids can get pretty carried away when they’re playing, augmenting reality with their powerful imaginations. They can reach cruising altitudes of thousands of feet by sticking out their arms when speed-toddling. They’re the defender of the realm when they pick up a stick. Anything is possible. Adults have a harder time stepping into a world […]

16 Absolutely Gag-Inducing Halloween Food Creations

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

None of these are going to be cute lil’ pumpkin-shaped cookies or “spoOoOoOoky” cupcakes with chocolate bat wings. Presented here are only the most absolutely gruesome Halloween dishes that even a zombie might need to cover its eyes sockets to swallow. Kids are picky enough eaters, so I’m not so sure any of these are […]

My Wife Just Said… #285

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

Perhaps there are couples that complete each other’s sentences. Perhaps some pull jinxes all the time; saying the same things or answer the same way, together. Perhaps they put on the same song simultaneously or some such seemingly magical, psychic connection. There certainly are couples who know each other’s idiosyncrasies, preferences and personalities so well […]