Quite Simply The Best Star Wars Commercial

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Listen, I don’t like watching bad commercials. They’ve become the thing we skip, if we aren’t streaming or internetting all the time. They make you want to shoot your television. Can you remember your favorite commercials (not from the BIG FOOTBALL GAME every year)? Maybe you’ll remember one or two at the most. This is, […]

“Drivers Ed” (Imagined by Kids) Video

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

When little kids are strapped into the car seat watching and listening, they’re picking up a pretty strange sense of importances in operating a motor vehicle. If you watch how a kid drives a toy car around, it’s pretty clear evidence they wouldn’t make the best driving instructors. Heck, asking a kid to explain how […]

If Parents Renamed Products Honestly


If some brands wanted their products to really speak to parents, they’d probably need a name makeover. Let’s look at a few products with new names and logos that might not be more appealing but are certainly more accurate.   Pregnancy Test Bread   Classic View-Master Toy   Lunch Snack   Granola Bars Slide Whistle […]

Awkwardness on Full Display

Posted under NOTEBOOK

This post is sponsored by Cetaphil. A photo posted by Whit Honea (@whithonea) on Aug 3, 2016 at 8:34pm PDT A couple weeks ago, bloggers converged on Los Angeles carrying their laptops and devices to attend a huge convention. These conventions are always a time to come together and share information, to commune without judgment […]

How to Deal with Extremely Awkward Kid Questions


Usually without warning, kids will ask you some shocking questions that’ll make you spit your coffee into another zip code. Some parents get nervous just thinking about having “The Talk.” Others have no problem discussing the birds and the bees, but might start looking for the nearest exit while fielding an inquiry about butt plugs. […]

Going Back To School Summed Up In One Video

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

Nearly all of us know the apprehension of starting school, let alone beginning again at a new school. But this 4th grader seems to have his attitude on lock. Though he has some justifiable complaints (“I KNOW HOW TO RIDE A BIKE”), he takes everything in stride. Sure, he wants more than one friend, but […]

10 Family Comics of a Darker Sort

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Light and sweet humor is great, but sometimes you want your humor like a lot of people want their coffee: dark, bitter and served by snarky cynics that spell your name wrong on purpose probably. Here’s a collection of web comics that touch on family or childhood themes, with an edgier spin. Nothing political, racist, […]

The Coolest 4th Grade Teacher Ever

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

My son is only in first grade, but I believe I’ve met the coolest 4th grade teacher ever. As written in the description on this video, Mr. Reed sounds like the raddest: “Instead of sending out the boring, old, “Welcome Back” newsletter, Mr. Reed, a first year teacher from Chicago, wrote a rap song for […]

My Wife Just Said

My Wife Just Sniffed… #279

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

I’m not sure if all the organic food my family buys seems to go bad faster than non-organic because it actually does or because of the demonic laughter I can hear taunting me from the empty void in my bank account. Whatever the case may be, my wife is a little bit very extremely cautious […]

Super Mario Bros Like You’ve Never Seen Them!

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

As a kid who grew up with 8-bit graphics and the revelatory moment of seeing 16-bit video games come to life, Super Mario Bros. changed my life. Anyone who could beat the game attained godlike status. I remember trying and failing so many times. I dreamed of winning and finishing the whole thing with a […]