Search Results:
don't yell

Your search yielded 27 result(s).

Skin Cancer Is Not Your Friend

Posted under NOTEBOOK

So, listen. I know the internet is filled with a lot of causes and movements and groups and petitions and blah blah blah, but I want to scare the shit out of you for just a second. Okay, maybe I won’t completely terrify you, but maybe I can talk in a way that ups […]

Zen Archery and the Art of Parenting

Posted under NOTEBOOK

When I first heard the news, I was ecstatic. I’ve wanted to be a dad for as long as I can remember. Any time a small child was yelled at by their parents, growing up, I wanted to shield them. They were defenseless little creatures who had no recourse against the imposing, angry figures standing […]

A Dad Turns Toddler Quotes into Amazing Pop Art


Anyone with kids above a certain speaking age has had their eyebrows raised into orbit when their kid starts saying… monumentally strange things. They can be weird, razor honest, sweet, embarrassing, wise, and often also hilarious. Martin Bruckner, art director and father of a 3-year-old daughter named Harper, decided to take some of these strange […]

My Wife Just Said

My Wife Just Loud Voice Said… #185

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

“That wasn’t yelling, that was loud voice talking.” -Elizabeth   No one wants to feel like the crappiest parent ever, but you’d think parents adored feeling that way if you judged by how often we seem to go to there. In raising kids, sometimes the pressure mounts, nerves get frayed, limits get hit, and we […]

Child Labor

Posted under NOTEBOOK

When dealing with a problematic manager or supervisor, you’ve undoubtedly come to the conclusion that some jobs require no special skill. Like, seriously, a bucket of wet dirt could do the job better. But, since hiring mud is generally frowned upon, I suggest we put kids in these positions. They’d achieve the same results and […]

5 Things I Miss About Being Childless

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Becoming a parent was one of the most important and transformative things that has ever happened in my life. I can’t understate how much it’s changed me. I don’t think I ever truly understood what it meant to platonically love another human being until I had my boys. That being said… There are moments when […]

The Hands of Time

The Hands of Time

Posted under NOTEBOOK

  He reached out, fumbling for something. I grabbed a toy and handed it to him and he said, “No, Daddy,” and took my hand.   I’ve been working relentlessly. So, sadly, Family Time seems better measured with a stopwatch than a clock these days. It makes perfect sense that my littlest lad has been […]

Dad-miration Week 2013, Day Three: Keurig Brewer!

Posted under NOTEBOOK

When you think of parenting, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Children? WRONG. Love? FALSE. Yelling? Sort of, but nope. COFFEE, that’s it! Coffee is to parents, what steroids are to professional hopscotch athletes. Some people move over to teas or hot chocolate, but that’s cool too. Want to know why? BECAUSE THE […]