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Infinite Loop Songs of Kids

The Infinite Loop of Kids

Posted under NOTEBOOK

When your ass starts twitching, it’s usually due to the ignored impulse of your body telling you that it wants to run away (screaming optional). Fixed smiles and mechanical bobs of the head are often our last resort in being encouraging parents. Let me explain. Kid repetition > Parent patience   A joke told fifty […]

Vote for Vagina

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Warning: I use the words “penis” and “vagina” great deal in this post. If those words offend or concern, you should not have (or should never have had) children because honestly you’re too immature for them. For years, we’ve heard about “penis envy” and “penis aggression” and “penis parties” from people with, um, penises. Well, […]

Overreaction Toast (True Story)

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Sometimes my wife overreacts in ways that freak me out. False alarms. While they turn out to be false, they really really really seem like legit alarms when they’re going off. Hypothetically, I’ll be driving us along and she’ll grab my arm in a near bone-shattering grip and shout “LOOK!!!” Later, when we retell the […]

Welcome to How To Be a Dad

Welcome to HowToBeADad

Posted under Uncategorized

What HowToBeADad ISN’T If you were looking for a website telling you how to be a dad… you didn’t find it. I’m not an expert in “dadology.” I’m not even sure such a thing exists. I’m just here to entertain you and maybe give you an “I’m not the only” sigh of relief. Or make you […]