Passing 3 Childhood Cereals On To My Son (Video)

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

Sponsored by General Mills Cereals. Our little son hasn’t tried many cereals. It’s mainly because one of his favorite hobbies in the world is not trying any new foods at all costs. As in our grocery costs. Ugh. So, when the little guy pushes a depressingly full plate of breakfast away or comes back from […]

Pokémon NO – The Game App for Non-Players


Some of us don’t have even half a percent of a clue how to play, but the online/real-life game Pokémon GO is a wildfire sensation! Eyes glued to their smartphones, people are swarming the streets and alleyways and random corners of parks and all kinds of normally-boring places to “catch ’em all.” Sadly, not everyone […]

The Conceit of Clark Kent

Posted under NOTEBOOK

We’ve all donned, at one time or another, a costume made from something pretend. A hero, a princess, a warrior, an artist — we found our identity through this play. Imaginations have always been part and parcel to the fabric of childhood but we grew up, forced to focus on the road ahead, and we […]

Ninja Parent Lessons: The Fists of the Octopus


Most people don’t realize, just by being parents, how many steps they’ve already travelled on the path of the ninja. There are so many trials and tasks and skills necessary to becoming a true master that are simply common, everyday demands of being a mother or father. Above is but a glimpse of one part […]

Meet Rocky Balbaby!

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

I’m not in the greatest shape right now. My dad bod has hit levels that make me questions whether I’m more than 70% water. I think I’m edging up to 90%. Or whiskey. One of those. Anyway, I’ve been looking for inspiration. Something to get me pumped up again about getting in shape, and turning […]

My Wife Just Aged… #273

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

She didn’t want a big deal made about her birthday, she’s not a huge fan of adding years onto her age. Recently a waitress asked our son how old he was and, with the clueless honesty of extreme youth, he told her that he was almost seven, and that he keeps getting older but his […]

Diaper Changes

19 Times You Realized You Were A Parent

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Talking to a parents before you have kids is a surreal experience. Some of them hold back and don’t want to scare you from the weight of responsibility they face, while others use scare tactics to shock you into wondering whether you’ll be up to the task. No matter how you felt before kids, you […]

Beware, Kids Catch On Quickly (6 Comics)

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Parents should raise their kids with a good, moral sense of honestly. But until then, it doesn’t hurt to use deception a little to your advantage. While you still can! Not dark traumatizing lies like “you’re adopted” or “some parents eat their kids when they talk back,” but little white and fluffy lies like “they […]

How To: Get A Baby To Clean The House

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

This man. We’ve written about him before but the hits just keep coming. Is it black magic? Is it some sort of zookeeping expertise that allows him to corral and train babies? Is he a toddler whisperer? WHY CAN’T HE HELP MY KIDS DO WHAT I ASK? If anyone knows the secret to this father’s […]

Yesterday – Scrabble Scribble #17

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

A kid’s sense of time is a bit Alice-in-Wonderland-y. Asking them questions related to time or dates is bit like discussing history with the Mad Hatter after he’s had eleven shots of Fireball and you’ve been stuffed with some highly questionable mushrooms. It’s kaleidoscopically grim in terms of accuracy or sanity. Probably best to just […]