Forest of Memories


A photo posted by Charlie Capen (@charliecapen) on Jun 11, 2016 at 9:42pm PDT Around five years ago, I got my son Finn’s name inscribed on my arm by this man, Dr. Woo. Last weekend, I got myself an early Father’s Day present and etched Arden’s name on my other arm. It felt like things […]

My Wife Just Said

My Wife Just Yawned… #269

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

I guess I should be glad that she’s still willing to push through the exhaustion and power-lift her lead-heavy, kryptonite eyelids to stay up with me. Though, honestly, the number of shows episodes and ends of movies we’ve had to rematch because of this has to be in the triple digits now. She doesn’t snore, […]

Why Do People Think This Is Okay?


Before I had kids, I certainly experienced moments lamenting sitting next to upset, crazy or scream-o-crying children. I would glance over and hope, nay pray, they’d quiet down. Screaming kids and babies can feel grating to your soul. Hell, I would huff under my breath or roll my eyes, judgmentally. It’s frustrating to be near […]

An HONEST Kid-Prepared Father’s Day Menu


Ah, Father’s Day breakfast! For families that celebrate the day with a special breakfast, it usually starts with Mom whipping up some food favorites for the dad of honor and presenting them herself, with the child enthusiastically waving a card or a school project made of 50% construction paper and 50% paste. Maybe in the […]

Should We Tell Our Kids To Follow Their Dreams?


I came to Los Angeles to follow a dream. My dream led me to my wife, my kids and creating this site. But there’s something intangible and unknowable about dreams. They’re elusive. It’s a tough thing to pursue a passion. Though I would argue there’s something important and character-building in the journey of it, I […]

Kids: Before & Aftermath (6 Comics)

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Probably the most surprising change people experience when they have a baby is that EVERY SINGLE FRIGGIN’ THING IN THEIR LIFE CHANGES. Since “everything” is a ridiculously long list, let’s not give ourselves PTSD (Parental Traumatic Stress Disorder). We’ll just take a look at a tolerable few examples with 6 Fowl Language Comics by Brian […]

Disney Princesses Sing In Their Native Languages

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

I’m a big fan of representing cultural depictions with as much authenticity as possible. We learn so much more and can teach our children so much better about the world if we are constantly giving opportunities to see the real deal. I think we can all agree whitewashing cultural moments and characters is bad for […]

The Emotional Moments When Military Fathers Come Home

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

With Memorial Day just behind us and Father’s Day right around the corner, I found myself thinking about what it would’ve been like if I’d served in the Armed Forces. The first thing that struck me “” and I must confess that it had never really fully hit me before “” was how much I’d […]

The Carrot Whisperer Dad (Funny Video)

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

Getting kids to eat can be like trying to play a video game in Impossible mode… blindfolded… while wearing boxing gloves… and obscenely drunk. This dad figured out a cheat code to beat the vegetable level of his cute kid’s appetite. An amazing glitch that’s so simple, it’s glorious. You don’t need to know a […]

Dads Carry The Weight Of Their Worlds

Posted under NOTEBOOK

I was talking with a friend yesterday, and we happened on the subject of the dumb dad stereotype. For some reason, advertisers and a substantial number of uninformed people around the world continue to think dads are simply non-committal buffoons one breath away from maiming or ruining their children. Which I get, because I can […]