Netflix and Children

Netflix & Chill…dren


The popular slang expression “Netflix and chill” is basically what young people these days are calling a “booty call,” getting together to hook up for sex, or the prospect of it. Maybe hang out and get in a few shows if it doesn’t turn into gland-to-gland combat, I guess. Anyone with kids knows, after you […]

Literally Nothing Cuter

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

Sure our kids are the cutest, amazing thing in the world right? Well, this video gives them a run for their money. I don’t even want to write words down to describe it because none of them will suffice. But I will say this: THE FORCE IS STRONG WITH THIS PUP. Have you guys played […]

My Wife (?) Just Texted… #267

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

Okay. So, my wife gives our six-year-old son her phone every once in a while to watch cartoons or play games on. This fact obviously escaped my thinking when I sent that naughty little pornmoji man. Ehem! Even if he had been the one on his mom’s phone, while I know he wouldn’t have fully […]

The 5 Best ‘How To Dad’ Videos

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

Recently, I randomly made a “How To Dad” video after camping. I figured this site could use a little more helpful content. Though it was a totally random act, it reminded me of something. A little while back, we posted a video of a Kiwi dad with a hilarious review of various baby holds. Well, […]

Putting a Mattress to the KID TEST (Video + GIVEAWAY)


With just a few seconds of hand jive on a smartphone you can order food, clothes, auto parts and even deer urine (it’s true, don’t ask). What a time to be alive! Or something. Now, you wouldn’t think to order something like let’s say a MATTRESS online. But, you can! And I did. Of course, […]

Kids Sucking at Blowing Out Birthday Candles (14 GIFs)

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

I’m not raining on the kids’ birthday cake candle parade at all (I love it), but let’s take a closer look at this tradition. It’s kind of strange, if you think about it. Toddlers/kids + sugar + fire? Haha! On their earliest birthdays, before we present our little ones with the gloriously sweet, tantalizing treasure […]

If Kids Made Motivational Posters

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

We could all probably benefit from some uplifting or wise inspiration, some bite-sized motivation to help us be a bit better than our regular ol’ tired, cranky selves. Even kids! What would a kid say if they wanted to inspire and motivate others, though? To really fire them up about leading the fullest childhood and […]

What Would It Be Like

Posted under NOTEBOOK

Sitting in the darkness of a campsite, stars above and the light of a campfire licking my face, I was struck with a thought that made me feel like I was living an alternate future. I stared harder into the flowering flames. What if social media hadn’t been invented? Boys, this is my happy place. […]

Taking Kids Out to Eat (4 Maddening Comics)

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Dining out with the kids is a weighed decision. Or a lapse in sanity. On one hand there’s mixing up what’s for dinner and a much appreciated break from cooking and dishwashing. On the other stress-palsied hand… there’s the total disaster of the circus clown act your kids become at a restaurant table. Fowl Language […]

An Out Of This World Sleeper

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

Even Hal 9000 could tell you that kids don’t sleep “like babies.” Sleeping like a baby is combination of gymnastics, wrestling, opera singing and jailbird rattling of the bars. This kid in particular is a prime example of what we’ve dealt with in our own house. Sometimes we would turn on the monitor to witness […]