My Wife Just Said… #265

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

He’s always wanted to do things all by himself. At least for the first few times, until they became things that caused paralyzing boredom like cleaning up after himself or tying his own shoes or opening restaurant crayons. He’s never loved us chirping instructions or reminders at him. Who does really? And, it’s 100% useless […]

The Misunderstanding of a Six-Year-Old

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

Have you ever dealt with a child who misunderstood what you telling them, and couldn’t convince them that they’d misheard you? This is basically the cutest example of it I’ve ever seen. Sidebar: I have to say kids with accents are the cutest ever. Maybe it’s because I’m used to hearing my sons with their […]

Fashion Police Son Tries to Arrest His Dad’s Sweater

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

Apparently someone forgot to clue this kid in on the fact that it’s not only NOT against the law for parents to embarrass their kids, that it basically is some kind of law of the universe for them to. It’s this little guy’s first day of school, though, so he’s mortified at the mere thought […]

5 Incredible Star Wars Mashups That Will Make You Feel the Force

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

It’s no freaking secret that we love Star Wars. There’s something about the storytelling and universe underlying the visual spectacle of it all that makes us feel like whole universes exist beyond our own, and there could be another layer of magic within us. So, when we see amazing SW stuff that lights up the […]

28 Baby Photoshoots Gone Horriblariously Wrong (GROSS WARNING)

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Professional photoshoots of newborns or babies can give parents some stellar shots, but predicting the weather is more accurate than predicting the “call of Nature” for babies, even if they just went. So, occasionally, these photo sessions result in some of the highest quality pics of little munchkins spraying their parents like a broken, high-pressure […]

Kidcentricities (5 Quirkrazy Comics)

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

The way to truly understand your kids is to realize that they are insane. Things just become so much clearer once you let that soak in deep, like a full sippy cup emptied into a box of tampons to see if they would swell into dinosaurs, or just because. Parenting makes so much more sense […]

When They Outgrow You

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

May 1st, 2016: The date when you started drawing better than I could, Finn. A photo posted by Charlie Capen (@charliecapen) on May 1, 2016 at 9:54am PDT Do you remember that scene in Raising Arizona when H.I. had a dream that stretched far into the future? It was the end of the movie and […]

Why Do We Even Celebrate Mother’s Day?

Posted under VIDEOTAPE

So, the other day Buzzfeed emailed me and asked if I’d be in a video for them. They told me that I’d be getting drunk and talking about dad stuff. Which is new for me, obviously. So, I asked a more veteran dad, The Daddy Complex, to come with me and talk fatherhood. Nothing could’ve […]

My Wife Just PMSed… #263

Posted under "MY WIFE JUST SAID..."

I won’t state my wife’s age because I respect her privacy and value my life. The number doesn’t really matter, though. At widely various ages, women go through hormone changes, on top of the monthly Molotov cocktail whipped up by menstruation. It’s Mother Nature’s pulse-revving, hot flashing “and now for my next trick…” in the […]