35 Highly Awkward Drawings from Kids
Pareidolia is the fancy word for when you see images in things ““ like a cloud shaped like a dragon or a face in the bark of a tree or a (ehem) something in some kid art. In kids’ drawings, sometimes you see some unintended, uh… images. Sure, they’re not all phallic. Mostly, but not […]

May the Make-Believe Be With You, Always
What do a broomstick, a flashlight and a cardboard wrapping paper tube have in common? Some of you will guess immediately: a lightsaber. In the case of the cardboard tube, it’s a very short-lived lightsaber, but in the right hands, it’s a magnificent Jedi weapon while it lasts. Whether it’s vwoomping and shzzzorping like a […]

The Coolest Museum Ever
I want my kids to love and admire art. It’s an important mission of mine as a father because art teaches us so much about ourselves and the world. In that effort, I’ve tried to expose my boys to as many kinds of art as I can. Sometimes these trips impinge and sometimes my kids […]

The Fine Art of… Balloon Animals? (25 Pics)
Not everyone has tried twisting rubber air sausages into balloon things, like a dog or a crown or a tangled “whatever you want it to be.” A lot of us that have tried, tend to fall back on the joke, “I can make whatever you want as long as it’s a sword or a snake! […]

Dad Turns His Son’s Drawings Into Oddmazing Reality
We parents have to go through an awful parental edition of Pictionary. You know, that high-stress guessing game that begins when your kid hands you a drawing they drawed just for you? “A chair! A cat? Um, a tractor? Is it a camel? Uhhhhh… a clown???” You either guess it right or get sternly corrected […]

Kids’ Reactions to Museums
It’s not that kids don’t appreciate art and museums, it’s that they do it in a much… “different” way than most grown ups. Let’s look at a collection of kids’ various reactions… Sometimes it’s funny. Sometimes it’s delicious. Sometimes it’s inspirational. Sometimes it’s scary. video source Sometimes it’s ironic. […]

22 Doodles That Will Make You Envy Snapdad
As a former stay-at-home dad, I remember the long stretches of free time in between the feeding, burping, diapering, cooking, cleaning — wait a minute, I had no free time at all! But there were the naps. Baby naps are vital creative moments for a parent. They can be used for practical things like sleep […]

A Dad Turns Toddler Quotes into Amazing Pop Art
Anyone with kids above a certain speaking age has had their eyebrows raised into orbit when their kid starts saying… monumentally strange things. They can be weird, razor honest, sweet, embarrassing, wise, and often also hilarious. Martin Bruckner, art director and father of a 3-year-old daughter named Harper, decided to take some of these strange […]

A Mother Photographs Her One-Armed Daughter in Scenes of Beauty and Whimsy
Photographs can tell a story, show evidence, capture history and controversy… They can also enter into worlds of wonder and imagination, breaking the boundary of captured reality and enter into the suggestion of fantasy. Holly Spring, brilliant photographer and mother of her one-armed daughter, decided to create new worlds with her handimazing little girl. Ugh. […]

20 Happy Little Painted Baby Bumps
A completely blank sheet of paper in front of a kid seems to beg to be dashed and scribbled on with a crayon. The freshly wave-smoothed sand of a beach beckons to someone holding a good pointy stick. A new, pure white subway train totally hollahs at a tagger with a full can of spray […]