Dad Dancing His Baby to “Beat It” Is Priceless
Baby’s are absolutely wonderful. But let’s face it, they can also be pretty boring. They need a lot of care and changing and feeding, of course, but when they don’t, things can occasionally get a little slow. Sure, when they’re really little everything is exciting. Flexing teeny fingers, speaking dolphin, crossing their eyes, making a […]

History’s Freakiest Baby Products
Sometimes we parents will come across ads or informercials for baby and kid-related products that seem silly or kinda useless. If we look back in time, though, when “men were men and women were women,” and both apparently didn’t seem overly concerned with infant or child safety, we can behold some very weird or outstandingly […]

Baby Phone Bandit Video (Famous Movie Mashup)
You may think you’ve already seen this adorable toddler running away with her older sister’s phone, but probably not the full original video. If you haven’t seen it, you’re going to love it. The sheer giggle-packed joy of this little cellphone bandit is infectious, viral one might say. I couldn’t resist creating a version with […]

Slowmotion Baby Crying Is What Your Day Needs
Reentering the atmosphere of non-holiday life is pretty brutal. We came, we ate, we fell asleep on the couch. But now it’s back to work for a bit before the next holiday comes, centering around eating and sleeping (all of them). So, you can imagine my reaction returning to work. And waking up to take […]

Would Baby-ized Presidential Candidates Be More Likable? (8 Pics)
We love our babies even when they’re terrible. Well… maybe more “despite them being terrible.” So, what if the same thing worked for our Presidential Candidates? Hmmmmm. Let’s see! Yes, yes. I know I only baby-ized Trump and Clinton (and Obama). They just seemed the most […]

Meet Rocky Balbaby!
I’m not in the greatest shape right now. My dad bod has hit levels that make me questions whether I’m more than 70% water. I think I’m edging up to 90%. Or whiskey. One of those. Anyway, I’ve been looking for inspiration. Something to get me pumped up again about getting in shape, and turning […]

28 Baby Photoshoots Gone Horriblariously Wrong (GROSS WARNING)
Professional photoshoots of newborns or babies can give parents some stellar shots, but predicting the weather is more accurate than predicting the “call of Nature” for babies, even if they just went. So, occasionally, these photo sessions result in some of the highest quality pics of little munchkins spraying their parents like a broken, high-pressure […]

A Dose of Laughter
One of the most magical things about becoming a parent is the recognition you get from your kids. A smile, a hug, their eyes lighting up, the way they look at you after they rip a loud fart — it’s all so extraordinary. This video is for everyone having a bad week, or in need […]

Dad Turns His Baby into an Adorable Lil’ Naughty Leprechaun
This is just too flippin’ cute. Some parents capture and create some pretty amazing stuff with their kids, making timeless treasures for their families as well as delightful entertainment for all us internetizens. Alan Lawrence (That Dad Blog) is not only no exception, he’s downright exceptional. I think that made sense. A dad of six, […]

Baby’s Adorable Reaction to Seeing Herself for the First Time
Their eyes stare widely on their wobbly heads at everything. Baby’s are in a perpetual state of firsts. They’ll even react with the wonder of newness to things they were just drooling on for an hour with renewed astonishment. Watch the reaction of this cute baby girl seeing herself for the first time. Priceless.