The Coolest 4th Grade Teacher Ever
My son is only in first grade, but I believe I’ve met the coolest 4th grade teacher ever. As written in the description on this video, Mr. Reed sounds like the raddest: “Instead of sending out the boring, old, “Welcome Back” newsletter, Mr. Reed, a first year teacher from Chicago, wrote a rap song for […]

5 Tips For School Dropoffs
School has begun and people have begun inundating our social feeds with quaint, sappy photos of their sweet little bags of questions and poopies. Today, I’d like to speak to you, parents, visiting the school to drop off your kids. I’ve been going for a few weeks now, and I’ve noticed a couple of trends. […]

21 Things I’m Nervous About With My Son Going Into Kindergarten
My son starts kindergarten in less than two weeks. I’m feeling a little pantspoopingly nervous about it, if I’m being honest. The worst part is when I look for resources on preparing for Kindergarten, the articles usually state or start with “stay calm.” I WAS ALMOST CALM UNTIL YOU SAID THAT. Those articles with lists […]

7 Extreme (Probably Definitely Horrible) Back-To-School Measures
As you can see, these back-to-school ideas are utterly terrible. No “probably” about it. Not only due to the terrific waste of time and money, but also because they’d result in bulldozing your kid’s individuality while making them a complete outcast laughingstock at school. What parent doesn’t want the best for their kids? With the […]

7 Things That Are Worse Than Going Back to School
Sometimes it’s easier to soften something by comparing it to something way worse. School can be one of those tough somethings. As our kids go back to school parents and/or kids can dread it. But there’s that great quote that goes: “If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d […]