My Wife Just Said… #257
With so much to do as parents, some things filed in the “essential” category can get abruptly jammed into the “expendables” folder. We try to multitask, maximize and economize the crap-ton we have to do, AND get our kids to do. Sure, it’d be nice of parents didn’t have to have their kids put their […]

“Public Bathroom” : Convos With My 4-Year-Old
Some of the things we experience in public restrooms with our kids are best blacked out of our memories. Taking them to go “potty” is rough enough at home, but a trip to a public restroom is like napalm on a train wreck. This video by Matt and David (featuring Matt’s wife, Leila) hilariously demonstrates […]

The Most Important Room in Your House: The Bathroom (4 Comics)
When you become a parent, the bathroom transforms into the most important room in your home. Fact. Poop happens. It’s part of life, but it rudely shoulders its way to the front of the line when you’ve got kids. It’s not just bodily functions, though. The massive amount of time you’ll spend in the bathroom […]

“Car Pee Diem” : Convos With My 4-Year-Old
The care and management of miniature humans is a tricky kind of magic to master, especially when it comes to their bathroom habits (or entire lack of any habit whatsoever). Car trips can be the ultimate test of one’s parental wizardry, since you’re traveling away from home, in foreign territory, and you’ve got to find […]

Toilet Safety: Advanced Adult Toilet Training
After a person learns how to go by themselves, it’s like they’ve suddenly graduated and they’re left to figure out the rest on their own. But, besides kids learning to not have “accidents,” there’s way more to know about and avoid in the gentle art of going to the bathroom. Delta Faucet teamed up with […]

Bathroom Privacy – Scrabble Scribble #11
Kids have a very particular set of skills; skills they have acquired over the entirety of their young lives. Skills that make them a nightmare for people like you and me; parents. No matter what you do, they will look for you, they will find you, and they will do and say ALL OF […]

Going to the Bathroom Like a Ninja
Going to the bathroom with a youngling is never the wisest decision, but the functions of your body and the circumstances of life are just as much never concerned with things like wisdom or decision. Especially after you drink several pots of tea or coffee. So, the cruel fates of parenthood may place you in […]

My Kid Just Said… #39
“I watewwed da pwants!” [Big smile] “…By going PEE PEE!” -Lucas (2013, 4 years old) This was the first time my littlest son peed outside. On nature (neighborhood shrubs count as nature, right?). We’ve all had it happen. No bathroom. No diaper. Not enough time to make it to either. One can almost hear the […]

Parentopoly, The Give ‘n’ Give ‘n’ Give Game
It’s likely you’ve played Monopoly before (even if you’ve never finished it), since statistically about 11 out 10 households have had the board game given as a gift one year or another. Parenting can truly seem like a game, too. How many times do you think one parent has said, “Go, it’s your turn!” to […]

The History of Wiping (Illustrated, but not FULLY)
Disclosure: This post is brought to you by the masters of personal cleansing comfort, Cottonelle. To see how Cottonelle Toilet Paper and Cottonelle Flushable Cleansing Cloths can practically change the destiny of your bum, click here. By the time we begin to have kids, we’ve been pretty thoroughly acquainted with the act of “tidying […]