My Wife Just Aged… #273
She didn’t want a big deal made about her birthday, she’s not a huge fan of adding years onto her age. Recently a waitress asked our son how old he was and, with the clueless honesty of extreme youth, he told her that he was almost seven, and that he keeps getting older but his […]

Kids Sucking at Blowing Out Birthday Candles (14 GIFs)
I’m not raining on the kids’ birthday cake candle parade at all (I love it), but let’s take a closer look at this tradition. It’s kind of strange, if you think about it. Toddlers/kids + sugar + fire? Haha! On their earliest birthdays, before we present our little ones with the gloriously sweet, tantalizing treasure […]

Why Today Is The Best Day
Today is my wife’s birthday. And thus, it is the best day. If you want to wish her a happy birthday, please post a comment below! Here are just a few reasons why my wife, Avara, makes my days great. She’s Weird Like Me She’s Stuck By Me For 16 Years She’s A Mom I’d […]

Jumping For Joy
It's a 'Finn's favorite things' mashup masterpiece by @blue_cupcake. He's gonna lose his mind. A photo posted by Charlie N Andy HowToBeADad.com (@howtobeadad) on Oct 10, 2015 at 11:02am PDT Last weekend, we celebrated Finn’s sixth birthday. My lucky number, six. When I started writing on this digital notebook, he wasn’t yet two-years-old. That’s some […]

6 Things I Want My Son To Know
Yesterday was my son’s 6th birthday. Certain things about his arrival in this world are starting to get foggy, and others are clearer than ever. But it makes me want to write down EVERYTHING I can so don’t forget. So, I posted a little list of things I want him to remember. Don’t let me […]

My Wife Just Said… #197
[ To our 5yo son ] “It is Daddy’s birthday today, but no he’s not turning 10. Well… it just seems like he’s 10 years old.” -Elizabeth It’s my vaginal-launch anniversary today. However, since Monday isn’t the most convenient day to celebrate a birthday or… well, anything… I spent the past weekend having various […]

“The Day After Tomorrow” : Convos With My 2-Year-Old
Unless you’re clever, by the time you’re done explaining how long it will be before it’s your kid’s birthday it will have taken so long it will actually be their birthday. For a deeper insight, here’s the kid definition for “tomorrow.” Subscribe to ConvosWith2YrOld to follow the series. (Liking, favoriting and commenting helps videos on […]

A Few Things I Want for my Birthday
Hey Everyone, It’s my birthday today and since I’m feeling supermegafugging selfish, I thought I would make today’s post all about me. Why? Because I said so. Because it’s my birthday. Deal with it. Today I wanted to ask you guys for a few things. And since it’s my birthday, you’ll listen. Right? ITEM #1: […]

Parent Service Announcement: Clowns
Most everyone is familiar with Public Service Announcements (PSAs). Back in the ’50s they taught useful things like ducking down and covering your head with your arms to ensure survival from an atomic blast, or that women are a distracting and deadly menace to the workplace… um… okay, those were probably horrifically misleading, but later […]

Birthday Boy Version 4.0
Dear Finn, Tomorrow is your 4th birthday. You’ll be 126,182,881 seconds old and, as such, you deserve a prize for dealing with the stupidity of people older than you, listening more to me and your mom, and learning to have fun in the most obscure ways I’ve ever seen. You have grown these past twelve […]