Dad Jokes Hall of Shame, The Book!
What’s better (or worse) than one dad joke?A THOUSAND DAD JOKES!!! The Dad Joke Hall of Shame book has been created to irritate your friends, amuse your coworkers and possibly even drive your spouse mad with desire. Then again maybe not so much that last part. All for only $12.99! Despite the name, dad jokes […]

14 Children’s Book Quotes That Are Better Than Any Motivational Poster
Sometimes you’re reading the silliest, weirdest story to your kid, and you happen upon a line of text that leaps off the page and hits your mind like a splash of cold water. Adults see a lot of inspirational posters and motivational statements, even mottos and taglines from products in ads are trying to encourage […]

7 Harry Potter Sequels NO ONE Wants to Happen
Whether it was the book or the films, a lot of us were sad when we came to the finale of the Harry Potter series. We got a brief glimpse of his future, older, married with kids, and were left to wonder to ourselves about the rest of the adult life of the Boy Who […]

Children’s Classic Books Ruined with Modern Times
The times they are most definitely a-changin’. Today’s kids hear a record scratch sound effect in movies to punctuate abrupt stops, but have no idea what a vinyl record player is. Sadly, it seems, times they are also a bit more a-troubled. So, without getting too dark, let’s see what some classic children’s books would […]

4 More Books My Sons Have To Read Before They’re 11
As I said in my last post, which you can visit if you want to get more ideas about some really amazing books, my older son Finn and I love to read together. He also loves to read on his own and then boast about how he’d finished books without me. Anyway, your mileage may […]

11 Books My Sons Have To Read Before They’re 11
My son, Finn, and I have been reading up a storm lately. He loves it. I love reading to him, and he loves reading to me. Reading is such an important part of my life, and I’m so glad to be sharing it with my kids. I mean Finn is already on book three of […]

Bathroom Reading
Remember that time we published a book and went crazy spamming you about how awesome it was? Wasn’t that a blast? Well, Reader’s Digest thought it was pretty cool so they decided to do a little piece about our book! Go pick up this month’s issue on stands (December), they show a couple of positions. […]

Dad-miration Week 2013, Day Four: Books, Dummies!
This year seems to have no shortage of funny, fun and helpful books in the parenting realm. One book in particular has us sitting up and paying attention. It’s “Raising Digital Families for Dummies” by Amy Lupold-Bair. These days, it’s nearly impossible to live free of devices, computers and phones. How the hell do we […]

Curious George: Instructions for Parents
I was slacking on my dad duties after a weekend of camping and tin foil battles and pole dancing. I was beat. So, I decided to sit on the couch with my son and watch some “Curious George” with him. I was a big fan of the books growing up but I always identified with […]

Story Time: Because I’m Your Dad
Today’s book is by a man you may know for his first, or his last name. Both are equally cool. Ahmet Zappa is the son of late rock musician/composer, Frank Zappa. “Because I’m Your Dad” is apparently both a promise to his daughter, Halo, and a tribute to his happy childhood. The book is both […]