Story Time: Dad’s Book of Awesome Projects
We have been talking about books so much lately that we finally realized: there are an insane amount of great books out there! Not the boring, frumpy kind of books. THE BUTT-KICKING AWESOME KIND! So, we decided to start sharing them with you. Today’s book is by a gentleman who deserves both praise and a […]

Poop Cats Are Raving About “Parenting: Illustrated with Crappy Pictures”
We’ve been talking about our book a whole bunch leading up to April 2nd’s release date, but we want you to know that, despite popular opinion, we can read, and that we do read things without our names on them. So, bring your blankies, flashlights & juice boxes. We’re gonna do story time about books […]

How Do We Do It?
People often ask us about our creative process. Questions like: “Are you as annoying in real life as you are in person?” “Do you involve hand-to-hand combat in your decision-making?” “Who really writes this stuff?” Well, the answer to all of those questions is, ultimately, “42” and “sometimes.” But, for the first time ever, we’re […]

Bushes Here and There and Everywhere (By Dr. Heuss)
I have fur on my head and fuzz on my toes, Now I have bushes where nobody knows. One bush, two bushes, three bushes… more!?! What are these bushes that weren’t before? I have seen bushes here and there and everywhere; Around people’s houses and at the town fair. There are bushes on […]