QUIZ: 9 Alcohol Cheats in Animation
Brought to you by responsibility.org for their TalkEarly campaign. In the past, animated films and shows were, um… rather boozy. A review of every G-rated movie created from the 30s up to 2000 said 47% showed alcohol consumption, and in that same period about 9% percent of all cartoons did as well. That’s a LOT […]

The Care Baes: A Childhood-Ruining Remake
Modernized classics tend to be pretty awful. But like, ugly awful. There, I said it. It might be because we’re used to them a certain way, like knowing someone with a beard and them looking like a creepy failed clone experiment after they shave. Maybe we hate a remake because we’re old and set in […]

Do You Look As Bad As These Famous Cartoon & Fictional Characters Before Coffee?
There are coffee experts. And then there are those who aren’t, but are experts at being abysmally tired. A lot of them are parents. We try to become experts at making ourselves not so tired. A lot of us turn to the liquid wonder of caffein, but we tend to look and feel like absolute […]

17 Untooned Realistic Cartoons That Are Super Freaky
A while ago I created a nightmare-fuel image of what a mouse would look like if there were a species that looked like our favorite jamboree-leading rodent, Mickey Mouse. After everyone was done cringing and dry heaving, I put the question to our readers of which iconic cartoon animal I should do next. The options […]

The Untold Story of Charlie Brown
A photo posted by Charlie N Andy HowToBeADad.com (@howtobeadad) on Jul 24, 2015 at 2:13pm PDT Forty-seven years ago tomorrow marks a day, I would venture to say, no one in any of my circle of friends and their circle of friends even knows took place. A week ago, I flew up to Santa Rosa, […]

Cartoon Pets IN REAL LIFE
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if the pets in cartoons were actually real animals? Stop wondering. Kyle Bradley answers some of this with brilliant illustrations by Angelica Bamundo on College Humor. Garfield Yeeeeeeah. Italian food is delizioso, but maybe it isn’t really a sensible pet food. Tom and Jerry She doesn’t […]

Business Town Is Where It’s At!
Listen, we don’t often recommend many things. Maybe the occasional foot rub or pithy comment after farting in public, but this one is must-see. If you’re at all familiar with the “Busytown” children’s books, and you’ve ever worked around tech companies, then this is for you. An Instagram account has popped up debuting some of […]

“Let It Go” with Phonetically Accurate Lyrics
Anyone who can read sheet music probably doesn’t need a guide to properly sing Let It Go from Frozen, but since the majority of us can’t sing our way out of a box… that’s open, and on fire… these simple, phonetically accurate lyrics and tips for screaming along may help you or your kid in […]

Clouds – Scrabble Scribble #1 (a father and son collaboration)
I recently discovered some “urban art” my 4yo son made on the side of our house and posted a picture of the two graffitied characters. It sparked an idea. I’d like to think it’s me and my son, except he doesn’t look too thrilled. I’d always wanted to do a comic strip, so the […]

My Wife Just Said… #117
“No way, no more! I think you’ve watched more Winnie the Pooh than Winnie the Pooh. Give me my phone back, please.” -Elizabeth ““ Previous “My Wife Just Said…”Worry. It’s not just an emotion, it’s a way of life. Follow us on Facebook. It’s the best way to stay connected to us.