Dad Jokes Hall of Shame – HOLIDAY EDITION
A lot of you seemed to love/hate my first post of the Dad Jokes Hall of Shame, and since ’tis the season for family getting together and experiencing tons of second-hand embarrassment from cringe-worthy dad jokes, I figured I’d give it another shot. Don’t worry. No needles for this second dose! Har har har. I’ll […]

Super Merrio Christmas!
It’sa me, Mario Clausa! Not really, just us dads, Andy and Charlie. Have a Super Merrio Christmas, everyone! Also look out for this art as a t-shirt possibly for sale in 2015, either by us or by the shameless parasitic thieves out there! 😉 ““ You’ve Got More Presents Our Christmas giving doesn’t […]

JINGLEBOOK – The Social Network for Christmas
Christmas and Facebook are each forces to be reckoned with, but added together? That’s something you shouldn’t reckon with a ten foot pole probably.* * the North Pole is not ten feet long and also does not actually physically exist. It’s an abstract concept given to a general geographical location. But seriously (except not […]

My Kid Just Said… #36
“Wisten wisten. Okay. I have an agweement wiv you. Wisten. If I eat one two bites and you build all my toys den we can wets pway and I get a cookie. Okay? Okay!” [Walks away] -Lucas (2013, 4.5 years old) He sounded like a big league negotiator. There was no room for argument […]

♫ Coming to Town, Yoda Claus Is ♫
Brilliance created by: Ralph McQuarrie, who was a visionary conceptual designer and futurist responsible for the look of the original Star Wars trilogy. ♫ Beware, you must be Sad, you must not be Angry, you must not be Tell you why, I will Coming to town, Yoda Claus is Coming to town, […]

25 Years of Christmas Morning
This dad filmed his kids coming down the stairs on Christmas morning for 25 years. I don’t think I’ve done anything for 25 years straight, except maybe use the restroom and eat like a starving pig. Here are 25 years of Christmas in under three minutes. Enjoy! It warms the heart in that Dickensian way, […]

My Wife Just Said… #137
“You’re going to let me buy that cheesy, light-up lawn decoration because you love me. And because the lad loves it.” -Elizabeth Double whammy. Love can be a very powerful bargaining chip. But the crappiness of some holiday decorations can overwhelm even the most passionate hearts. ““ Previous “My Wife Just Said…” What bowling […]

Snowman Building by Child Age
Babies are really terrible at making stuff. Unless it’s poop or pee, or making us smile and never sleep. So their first snowmen will require quite a bit of parental assembly. Some people wonder why parents do this for their babies (birthdays and snowmen and such), hinting that it’s all really just for the parents. […]

My Kid Just Said… #14
[Christmas morning] “Whu’s dat? A pwesent? Fo MEEE??? Whu’s in it?” [1 minute later] “I can’t open da wapping. It keeps wipping. Oh WOOK! TWAINS!!!” [.0001 seconds later] “I wead da ‘stwuctions and you buiwd it, okay, Daddy?” [100 minutes or so later] “It’s not wook wight, Daddy. Hewe ya go. You can have da […]

Pac-Man Christmas Wishes
May your holidays be loaded with power pellets, bouncing fruit and joy…sticks? Nom nom nom, Charlie & Andy ““ Facebook Arcade Game? Imagine what a quarter-gobbling black hole Facebook would be if it were. Instructional Diagrams Learning, minus all the learning, but plus all the fun.