A Store Is Born! shop.howtobeadad.com
Like most everything in parenting, this store’s delivery, I mean launch is very late to the holiday party! Now you can shop a few items just in time for last-minute, probably-too-late panic shopping! [ VISIT THE STORE ] Cast Your Vote for the Future! Also like a baby, this store is starting out […]

My Wife Just Realized… #295
She went on to say that she thought the world would be a better place if people just wore pajamas all the time. I’m not sure if I agree that’d make a huge difference to the issues humanity faces, but by golly, it seems like it’d be worth a shot. It doesn’t seem like it […]

Dad Fashion
[ click images to view larger ] The “flat lay” above showcases a fairly iconic dad outfit and demonstrates how style can get pretty meh when you become the co-creator of a freshly-made human. Your hairstyle might now be best described as “appears to have been in a bar fight.” An important fashion choice […]

My Wife Just Said… #291
It always happens to her. At some point, she’ll finally get some new bras and underpants where she falls in love with a specific few. Then the brand seems to decide to drop them later and replace them with something that turns out to be scratchy, too stretchy, designed for potatoes or just vaguely lamer […]

The Low Fashion of Child Couture (5 Comics)
Saying fashion changes when you have kids is like saying it’s gotten a bit breezy when you’re caught in a Force-12 hurricane. Matching outfit? In our parent-haze, we just hope we’re wearing pants when we leave the house. The percentage of time we wear pajamas certainly skyrockets, and our former kidless selves would never have […]

6 Awful Fit Failures of Pants
Lee Jeans and HowToBeADad.com have joined forces to bring you this light-hearted infographic because we both know the world is a happier place when your pants fit. There are plenty of helpful size and fit guides online, from simple charts to artificially-intelligent virtual assistants. While everyone has their fit preference, and it’s good to […]

An Honest Modern-Day Kids’ Fashion Paper Doll
Paper dolls have been around since forever, or the mid-18th century (close enough to forever). Little printed playthings you could cut out and dress up in coordinated outfits, luxurious new fashions, with PAIRS of the same socks and shoes, etc. Pure fantasy. It’s not that anyone who grows up really tires of fantasy and escape. […]

My Wife Just Said… #155
“Um. Can I go out in this?” -Elizabeth There she stood at the front door, posing for me to see. She was wearing colorful, patterned leggings, rain boots, a baggy sweater and a mismatched purse. I frowned as I looked her over and then smiled and said, “Sure!” The fact that I was wearing […]

“Fashion” : Convos With My 2-Year-Old
When it comes to judging, kids often employ excessive force that amounts to fashion-police brutality. If you’re uncertain or insecure about how you look or what you’re wearing, and also enjoy the high-stakes excitement of playing Russian Roulette, then just ask a child what they think of your outfit. They may simply say it’s the […]

Ninja Parent Lessons: The Foot Python
Suiting up your little one is a tough challenge, even for ninjas. Especially socks. Those legs are tiny, but they’re fast and don’t like to stay still for lengths of time greater than it takes to blink. This cannot be avoided, so you must be clever and fast. As the ancient proverb says: the wise […]