11 Parenting Comics that Will Make Parenting Seem Not So Awful
I’m a designer and sort-of illustrator, so I have a natural affinity toward web comics. There’s something more important about them for me, though, and why I love to share them with you. When you can take some friction points of parenthood and apply some humorous lube to… um, wait. Let me state that differently. […]
12 Weird & Edgy Family Comics
A good ol’, safe-for-kids joke has it’s place. Typically in front of kids. However, there’s a vast world of jokes that aren’t safe for kids, but don’t necessarily get super internet-gross or offensive. A funny, happy middle ground between the sweet innocence and sociopathic derangement. Let’s set down the kids-lunch juice box and enjoy a […]
11 Comics & Charts That Tell Thanksgiving Like It Is
Thanksgiving is supposed to be a time of reflection and appreciation. No really, I’m serious. It’s sometimes reeeeeally hard to remember that when you’re arguing with a relative, listening to Christmas music in traffic, or just stone cold comatose from overeating. What Thanksgiving winds up being is often a lot more entertaining to look at […]
11 Darker Family Comics PART 2
Once you’ve heard enough of Elmo’s helium laughs or Winnie the Pooh’s festive giggles, parents can develop an appetite for some humor that’s a little more mature than Thomas the Tank Engine’s eyes rolling like cooky spinning tops. Let’s enjoy some cartoon characters saying things that we wouldn’t necessarily show our kids, but we won’t […]
10 Family Comics of a Darker Sort
Light and sweet humor is great, but sometimes you want your humor like a lot of people want their coffee: dark, bitter and served by snarky cynics that spell your name wrong on purpose probably. Here’s a collection of web comics that touch on family or childhood themes, with an edgier spin. Nothing political, racist, […]
The Snowman Apocalypse
I remember avidly reading Calvin and Hobbes through my youth. Seeing this little boy’s seasonally majestic, twisted and hilarious snow creations made me wish for something most people grow to dread where they live. Snow! It’s officially winter in L.A. And by that I basically mean I can’t comfortably wear shorts anymore and my nipples […]
Board Game Ragers
Comic by According to Devin. I used to loooooove board games as a kid. Still do. Oh the sweet, cardboardy smell of the package! The satisfaction of slowly removing the top with that corner taped-up from an invariable accidental foot stomp! The thrill of setting up the pieces, anxiously hoping they all made it […]
Java – Comic by Lunar Baboon
Lunar Baboon Comics Never let your kids know your weaknesses. At least not until they’ve moved out… Okay, not even then. Maybe coffee isn’t your kryptonite. Maybe it’s that you can’t stand seeing them hurt; watch out, they’ll make ketchup look a Hollywood makeup effect to get out of something. Or maybe you have […]
Family Dinner – Fowl Language Comics
Fowl Language Comics I really don’t understand this whole “raising children” thing. I use the “air quotes” because it feels like my version of parenting is false and just wrong. My older son is a VERY picky eater and the subject of fruits and vegetables is so contentious that I am almost at the […]
Maximumble: Use for Toys
Call it a side effect, a byproduct or an outcome, but fatherhood can lead to some rad consequences. It’s the most responsibility and pressure you can earn, but it’s also a perfect opportunity. I see a lot of “dads are buddies” stereotypes. It can be confusing to witness. There’s a pervasive myth that we’re […]