“Let’s Make a Deal!” -Kids
I walked into the living room and straight into an intense parent/child negotiation between my wife and our 8-year-old: Wife: No more apple juice, you said your tummy hurts. 8yo: It’s not hurting. Wife: 100% not hurting? 8yo: 50%. Wife: [stern look] 8yo: Okay 75% not hurting. [raises eyebrows hopefully] I wrestled my chuckle into […]

The Sweetest Thing You’ll See Today Is a Spider
The combination of adorable dialog from a little kid and super cute 3D animation that should be the envy of Pixar, is priceless. You may have seen one of these under-a-minute videos because they’ve gone pretty flippin’ viral. How viral? The first video is only months old and the YouTube channel has 600,000 followers. But […]

Video Surprise that Will Give Your Heart an Atomic Wedgie
When I have to travel for work, I miss my family. No matter how busy I am, something just doesn’t feel right, constantly. Like your heart is wearing a pair of underwear backward. Additionally, the empty ache of separation is often made worse when I think of my little guy missing me. My wife’s a […]

These 13 Baby & Dad Pictures Are Hilariously Awesome
Sholom Ber Solomon is a dad to his baby, Zoe, and he’s my hero for today. Maybe even this week or month. Taking cute shots of your baby is pretty simple, since babies are ridiculously cute by default. This glorious man, however, didn’t just go the extra mile, he went Forrest Gump on it and […]

A Wild Baby Attack with a Chocolate Milk Ending
Here we see dramatic video footage of a mom’s boob being viciously attacked by her ravenous newborn! No, not really! Haha! But her adorable little daughter, Ava, seemed to think so. When she toddles into the hospital room where she caught her mom breastfeeding the hungry new arrival, she didn’t seem to know what to […]

Love Can Be… (8 Parenting Comics)
There’s that famous, beautifully and savagely true quote about how children are like your heart being outside of your body. They get hurt and you gasp as if in pain. They make an achievement and you’re filled with pride. They’re brutally honest and, well… you still love them, even though your smile might now be […]

If You Hate Cats, This May Change Your Mind
Listen, I’m not a cat fan. I’ve never really liked them. Maybe it’s because I’m allergic to them or maybe I just don’t like creatures that poop in sandboxes but they’ve always seemed unimpressed with me. But this video makes me think cat+human relations could be salvaged. The way this cat shows this baby affection […]

This Singing Kid Is My Life
This has been a long week, too. Life has been a tough go, and even some of the joyful things have been brutal. This kid is everything. He commits to singing these ABCs even it apparently causes him physical pain or something. Sure, I get very nervous singing in front of people. It’s sort of […]

When This Kid Goes Ayaaaaa…
There are few things cuter than kids attempting something and failing. But when that kid is in full uniform and performing martial arts? CUTENESS OVERLOAD. I’ve loved watching my son do karate. Many Saturdays and Sundays have been spent watching him flail around kicking and punching the air with infectious enthusiasm. So, if you need […]

The Misunderstanding of a Six-Year-Old
Have you ever dealt with a child who misunderstood what you telling them, and couldn’t convince them that they’d misheard you? This is basically the cutest example of it I’ve ever seen. Sidebar: I have to say kids with accents are the cutest ever. Maybe it’s because I’m used to hearing my sons with their […]