The Cutest Thing You’ll See All Week
Being on the internet as much as I do makes it easy to get cynical about life. You see enough weird or inappropriate or petty stuff, and it makes you question humanity. Or at least its goodness. My father used to say the internet was a mile wide and an inch deep. But that was […]

The Best Dad Joke Ever Seen
We’ve all experienced dad jokes. Whether from our own dads, or a dad joke ricochet from someone else. Some are worse than others. But dad jokes can be the love language of parenting. This dad joke, however, is the best of its kind. And possibly for all time. I have so many questions. Is this […]

Baby’s Adorable Reaction to Seeing Herself for the First Time
Their eyes stare widely on their wobbly heads at everything. Baby’s are in a perpetual state of firsts. They’ll even react with the wonder of newness to things they were just drooling on for an hour with renewed astonishment. Watch the reaction of this cute baby girl seeing herself for the first time. Priceless.

The Cutest Video You’ll See All Week
Warning: This video contains highly cute material practically designed to melt even the angriest and most manly among us. The squeaky shoes, though normally somewhat annoying, hit a certain frequency transforming sulking children into playful creatures, and adults into children. Cuteness side effects include: *Laughing *Smiling *Giggling *Tears of Joy *Need to Hug Your Children […]

Hug Life For Real
Sometimes something so impossibly cute comes across your internet desk (that’s not a thing) that your brain can’t even handle it. I don’t even want to use words or sentences to describe what you’re about to see. It’s too much. It’s just… HUG LIFE. But I will say that you will be starting your weekend […]

Dad + Kids x Dance = YES!!!
The internet brings us terrible and awesome things. Mostly terrible, but it makes the awesome that much more rad. Or radder. A raddening occurs. Today’s internet awesome comes from a dance teacher and his 4 year-old son. This dance team of Dad + Son is fantastic. Just what you need on a Friday to get […]

Your Weekly Cute: It’s A Rocketship!
Oh my goodness. OH MY GOODNESS. THIS VIDEO IS ALL THE CUTE. I mean I thought I got giddy about NASA and space exploration and interstellar stuff, but this? “ISSAWOCKETSHIIIIIIIIP!” doesn’t even begin to describe the awesome. Check it out. Your cute for the whole week in one small dose. It’s like alcohol. A little […]