Dad Jokes Hall of Shame, The Book!
What’s better (or worse) than one dad joke?A THOUSAND DAD JOKES!!! The Dad Joke Hall of Shame book has been created to irritate your friends, amuse your coworkers and possibly even drive your spouse mad with desire. Then again maybe not so much that last part. All for only $12.99! Despite the name, dad jokes […]

Dad Jokes Hall of Shame: Quarantine Edition
We can all agree that these times are “unprecedented,” “uncertain” and “challenging,” and I think we can all also unanimously agree we’re utterly sick of hearing those adjectives. But whatever these pandemic times are called, they are definitely calling for the medicine of laughter. So! Enjoy these quarantine themed dad jokes, or just get your […]

In Real Life Dad Jokes (Hall of Shame pt. 11)
Anyone with lungs and the ability to speak can tell dad jokes ““ man, woman or child really ““ but it takes a special commitment to turn them into prop comedy. Here are 16 such real-life dad jokes for your en-groan-ment! 1) Strong enough for a man, but made for a dad. 2) Happy […]

18 Dad Joke Gifts (Hall of Shame Part 10)
The wonderful world of Dad Jokes is a grand celebration of cheesy puns and “groaners.” Even though we all know they’re kind of a gift to the world all by themselves, they can also be given as actual physical gifts! Don’t just waste precious oxygen setting up a sweet Dad Joke, when instead you can […]

Dad Jokes Hall of Shame (Work Life) ““ Part 9
Most families are well acquainted with the pun grenades some father’s lob around the home, but did you ever stop to think what happens when they suit up and head out to work? The Dad Jokes don’t have to stop there! Coworkers and (hopefully not) customers and (super hopefully not) bosses can be victims um… […]

Dad Jokes Hall of Shame – Part 8
The effects of a Dad Jokes can be great in one of two ways: 1) they’ll either make your belly wobble a lot or maybe just an amused snort, OR 2) you’ll be appalled and they’ll make every other joke seem hilariously better by comparison. So, love ’em or hate ’em, it’s basically a total […]

Dad Jokes Hall of Shame ““ Part 7
My dad was a master of the cheesy pun decades before the world coined the term “dad joke.” One Christmas a present from him was unwrapped and it was a tiny planet Earth completely covered in glued-on pees. He wanted to give the best gift that anyone can give: world pees. The entire family groaned […]

Dad Jokes Hall of Shame ““ Visual Edition
In addition to the vast number of spoken or written dad jokes, there are also some delightful visual puns to make us to burst out in laughter, or sounds resembling groaning or whimpering. They say “a picture is worth a thousand words,” but who wants to listen to all that blah blah blah when it […]

Dad Jokes Hall of Shame ““ Part 5
The year is almost over! For some of us it’s been a rough ride. So rough that the 2016 has become an internet joke, likened to the grim reaper or Game of Thrones author, George R. R. Martin. Yikes. Laughter really is one of the best antidotes for stress and trauma, so here’s another installment […]

Dad Jokes Hall of Shame – Part 4
Father’s Day is right around the corner and you know what that means! A full-on, consequence-free license to Dad Joke at will! A lot of you loved/hated the