12 Rad Dad Moments
Rad dad moments aren’t just ninja reflexes for those lightning-fast saves. Teaching, playing, wrangling, soothing, patiently enduring; it can be any kind of dadding. These moments don’t even have to be experiences that anyone else witnesses ““ moments your kid might not even be aware of their specialness. When you’re just proud of yourself and […]

Dad Mode Senses Are Tingling! (25 Amazing GIFs)
People loved the Dad Mode ACTIVATE! post, so I’ve scoured the internet to put together even more, and found a bunch you’ve probably never seen before. Some are overwhelming, some are just whelming, and some are anti-whelming, as far as Dad Mode moments go. Enjoy! Catch the Monkey Rating: “‹â˜…★☆☆☆ Not too dramatic, but […]

Dad Mode ACTIVATED! (15 GIFs)
Let’s all sit back and celebrate those moments when something inside us clicks and, faster than thought, we blur into action, when danger slows everything down and we swoop in and save our reckless, seemingly suicidal little bundles of joy. Sure, it’s not just dads, but go with me here. Here are some stunning examples […]